Gone are those days when one thought a hair transplant surgery was sowing hair on a bald head. The results after such a transplant did look patchy, but not anymore. It is now known as 'hair restoration, 'and professionals use micrografting technology.

Is Hair Transplant Surgery Permanent?



Gone are those days when one thought hair transplant surgery was simply sowing hair on a bald head. The results after such a transplant did look patchy, but not anymore. It is now known as “permanent hair restoration options,” and professionals use advanced micrografting technology for permanent solutions for hair loss. Under this method, they carefully transplant your own healthy hair follicles. Such healthy follicles effectively help address thin hair areas, and the output is not only impressive but also long-lasting. It is truly a remarkable and durable solution that offers permanent relief from hair loss. The patient can be an outpatient, but the process consumes time. Female & and male hair transplant success rates are lower compared to men. This article aims to clarify hair transplant permanence and all the associated procedures.

How long does a hair transplant last?

Wondering if a hair transplant is permanent or temporary? Hair transplants are permanent. ‘Permanent’ means it is expected to last a lifetime. An experienced surgeon in that field carries out a hair transplant to restore thinning hair. Once the process is over, it cannot be reversed or undone. It does take time to grow back the hair, but the look will keep changing over the years. It is similar to the scalp of a person who has not undergone such a hair transplant.

Will transplanted hair last forever?

Yes. The transplanted hair will last forever. In other words, a lifetime. You should know that it does take more than three months for the new hair to start growing. After six months, it becomes a natural process, and it is difficult for anyone to say a person has undergone transplantation. After a year, it’s completely set and will last for a lifetime. Durability of Hair transplant surgery is a long-lasting solution that ensures permanent results.

Will transplanted hair fall again?

Generally no! Once the transplant procedures are through, you may lose hair for a few weeks. The reason is that the newly transplanted hair is beginning to take shape. Once such hair sets itself, the growth follows a natural pattern, and hair begins to grow in all the patchy areas. The harvested follicles will never fall, but the re-growth process will take time.

The exception to this can only be one. If you choose the wrong or inadequate hair follicles from your donor area, the success of the hair transplant procedure will fail. The experts should choose the best hair follicles from the site of rich hair (the donor area) and then transplant them into the patchy or bald areas.

How many years will a hair transplant last?

It is perhaps the most asked question by the person who needs a hair transplant. The answer to this question, “How long will my hair transplant last “is easy. It is for a lifetime. Therefore, even the words’ ‘long lasting ‘do not define it correctly. Of course, one would continue to lose hair over the first few weeks following a hair transplant procedure. Such hair loss is expected, only after which the re-growth takes place and is permanent. 

It takes six months to a year to achieve success; after that, it all looks natural. There may be cases where hair fall continues beyond a point. It is the donor’s wrong choice, which may lead to this treatment becoming unsuccessful. Therefore, it’s best to choose a donor who has healthy hair.

Short Summary:

There is plenty of clarity on the permanency of hair transplants. It is very successful when they use your hair follicles to cure thinning areas. If that is not adequate, a donor bank can help you find the right person to donate those hair follicles for your hair transplant procedure. Hair transplant surgery’s longevity is a key aspect to consider when undergoing this procedure.


What is the Success Rate of Hair Transplants?

Are hair transplants worth it? There is absolutely no doubt about whether Hair transplants restore hair growth. It is aging and factors like sickness due to disease which trigger hair fall. The question is, how much can hair transplants be relied upon? What is the success rate of a hair transplant? If the success rate is low, it is a waste of time and money. The good news is that the success rate is 100% if one follows the procedure correctly.

What is the failure rate of a hair transplant?

The failure rate of hair transplants is less than 2% when done professionally. On the other hand, carrying out a hair transplant under un- professional circumstances, the failure rate is bound to go up to 30%!

The fundamental difference between success and failure lies with the hair follicles found in the donor area. Poor-quality hair follicles would spoil the procedure.

Are hair transplants usually successful?

hair transplant success rate factors
hair transplant success rate factors
Hair Transplant Success Depends On the Following Factors

Hair transplants are usually successful. Such success depends upon the following factors: 

  • The infrastructure of the clinic or hospital matters. If everything is in place, success is sure. 
  • Clinics and hair transplant specialists need to keep themselves updated about the latest technology regarding hair transplants. If they use outdated technology, the results will not be as positive as the new ones. 
  • A large part of the success lies with the specialist carrying out the procedure. He should be qualified and experienced and carry out the procedure with expertise. 
  • Following all the instructions is up to the patient’s success. Post-procedure, he should obey all instructions and stick to the rules. 

If one follows the rules mentioned above, hair transplants are usually successful.

How do I know if my hair transplant is successful?

For the patient to be satisfied that the hair transplant has been successful, he has to take into account the progress mentioned below: 

  • There would be hair fall in the first four to eight weeks after the transplant. The patient can expect such a fall and should not lose hope. 
  • Results in the form of hair growth start becoming evident after six months generally. It will make steady progress for the next six months to come.

Thus, it takes a year for a person to have normal hair. Herein, a few would experience slower growth. But the growth is there, so you have to feel triumphant about it.

Short Summary:

Hair transplantation is becoming increasingly popular by the day due to its successful outcomes and long-term results. To ensure the best possible outcome, it is crucial to carefully select the right clinic and expert for the procedure. The responsibility for achieving satisfactory results also lies with the patient, who must diligently follow the post-treatment instructions provided by their physician.

What are the reasons for hair transplant failure?

Even though a hair transplant ends up in success, there are a few reasons why it could turn out to be a failure. It’s best for the patient to know about the reasons that could lead to hair transplant failure. It would come in handy and be beneficial if they knew it beforehand.

Found below are the top five reasons why hair transplants fail

  1. The Hair transplant specialist’s inexperience: Graft replacement is difficult; the surgeon cannot learn it by experimenting on your head. The experienced surgeon knows how to locate the donor area. It can be the area around the back of the head or even body hair that would deliver good results. The problem arises when one uses improper techniques. Hence, the experience of the surgeon matters in extracting such hair.
  2. Neglecting Care post-procedure: Post-procedure, the doctor tends to give instructions on how to take care of after hair transplantation. The patient has to follow such instructions for weeks or even a month. It all depends on the patient’s situation. Such instructions would include exposure to sunlight, washing the hair, etc. If the patient ignores them, the hair transplant can turn out to be a failure.
  3. Unsuitable candidate for a hair transplant: No rule states that everyone is an ideal candidate for a hair transplant. The surgeon does run a series of tests on the patient-to-be but may refuse to operate as you do not qualify. Such a hair transplant procedure would have results that may vary from the standard. The reasons are many. For example, you may not have experienced enough hair loss to have a transplant! In that case, your regrowth would be slower.
  4. The credibility factor of Clinics: It is difficult to find out whether a clinic is ethical or not. At the outset, they may look honest and straightforward. On the inside, they could be dishonest and try to charge you more. So, the doctor treating you for a hair transplant may also be false. Thus, it is best to investigate the clinic’s reputation. You can find out by reading reviews on the internet. You can seek first-hand information from the clinic’s ex-patients. Failure to do so will make your hair transplant procedure a loss. Therefore, ensure to do well-researched research on the facility you plan to get a procedure at. Know the professionals well, and only then arrange a hair transplant.
  5. False information or misunderstanding: Misunderstanding cannot be a reason for the failure of your hair transplant. The fact remains that you may have been misleading. Ambiguous advice post-operation would make you believe that the expected growth of hair would tend to be much faster than usual. Thus, you should seek a clear understanding of postoperative procedures.

What happens if a hair transplant fails?

As stated earlier, there are chances that a hair transplant may fail. It can happen for various reasons. But the good news is that you can seek a hair transplant again. All you need to do is find the perfect specialist. The ideal surgeon would follow the correct procedures. Even his instructions post-transplant would be excellent. Thus, you can correct the earlier failure.

Can stress cause a hair transplant to fail?

Stress does play a role in hair loss. That does happen before the hair transplant procedure. Post-procedure, stress is bound to occur re-, but that does not affect the grown hair. Initially, hair loss will take place for a few weeks post-transplant. But that is not due to stress. It is the norm for a few weeks.

Can your body reject a hair transplant?

There are two conditions under which your body rejects hair transplants. You should know that you are both a donor and a recipient. The body will reject the transplant only if the hair is from another person (apart from a twin). 

Secondly, if the patient’s physiology is poor, it can lead to lousy hair follicles on his person. It is known as Post-transplant planopilaris, but it is scarce too.

Who is not suitable for a hair transplant?

A person who is unsuitable for a hair transplant is as follows: 

  • People with abnormal hair loss do not have quality hair follicles in them to cure the bald area. 
  • People will become bald in the area where the surgeon removes the follicles. As a result, the donor area becomes ‘thinner.’
  • People with thinning hair appear dense in that area. The reason is the lack of space to transplant the new graft.
  • A person who has Alopecia Areata.
  • A person with a condition known as “Diffuse hair loss.”

If you fall into the not-suitable category, it cannot be best devised by a professional. Therefore, ensure to consult with your doctor before turning down a hair transplant opportunity.

Short Summary:

In this section, we have examined possible reasons for hair transplant to turn into a rare failure. Its success depends upon many factors; these include Clinics, Doctors, postoperative care, etc. One should remember that he has to be an ideal candidate for receiving a hair transplant too.

Is hair transplant safe?

Hair transplants are generally risk-free and safe. Such safety is dependent upon the surgeon operating. Individuals vary, and results vary with them. The outcome is predictable, mainly secure, but not entirely safe.

What are the risks of a hair transplant?

As every other procedure comes with a particular set of risk factors, there are a few minor risk factors for hair transplant. Some of the common risk factors are as below:

  • An infection can surface
  • Scars can result 
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Grafts may not be proper 
  • Repetition of surgery 
  • Tiny bumps on the transplant area
  • A patchy look
  • Constant itching 
  • A bruised look in the eye area 
  • Inflammation is known as folliculitis. 
  • An artificial look

Consult your surgeon or physician if any of these symptoms last for a prolonged period.

What is a good age to get a hair transplant?

Hair transplants should not be resorted to immediately after witnessing sudden hair loss. The age at which it happens is more important. A person who is nearing 40 years of age is the ideal candidate. The minimum age to qualify for a hair transplant is 18. Even though that is acceptable, experts feel a person should have completed at least 25 years before deciding to require a transplant. Conversely, a person can undergo the procedure even if they are 75!

Short Summary:

There is no single medical procedure in this world that does not have risks. Hair transplants are one of those with very few chances; they also have a high success rate.

Is a hair transplant painful?

Local anesthesia and pain medication do help make hair transplants a painless procedure. It is, in fact, painless, comparatively. The mild discomfort is temporary. On the other hand, hair transplantation is indeed pleasant for most hair loss sufferers.

How long does the pain last after a hair transplant?

A person who has undergone a hair transplant must rest at home for at least three days following the operation. The person would experience mild but throbbing pain, especially in the donor area. Many turn back to their doctors, alarmed at the pain. The fact is that this pain goes down by at least 50% within the first three days. The rest of the pain will last up to ten days at the maximum. The intensity of such pain varies from one patient to the other. 

Patients should know that a crust formation takes shape with minor bleeding during the procedure. It does take time to heal, and painkillers and medication help ease the pain. It is advisable to follow instructions to reduce this mild pain.

Short Summary:

As discussed above, mild pain with throbbing is an unavoidable post-hair transplant. One can ease such pain through proper pain medication and following the instructions of specialists. The pain eases out in ten days but is more robust in the first three days.

Is there any possibility of undergoing a Hair Transplant Again?

Yes, there is no limit the possibility of undergoing a hair transplant for the second time. People often do this when they feel more hair loss at the back of the area surrounding the first transplant. A person can have repeated hair transplants of up to 7,000 grafts. On the other hand, many achieve success post the first transplant. The exception is the people the doctor informs that they should sit through multiple sessions.

Does a Hair Transplant Depend On the Expertise of a Doctor?

Yes, it does. Hair transplants are surgical procedures that only a medical professional can carry out. The first hair transplant will be a success if the doctor is well-qualified and experienced.

Read Too: How to Choose the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon?

How do I choose a doctor for a hair transplant?

It is right on your part to inquire about the doctor who would perform your hair transplant. To be sure, you can investigate the following: 

  • The doctor’s credentials
  • His experience
  • Experience of the staff that assists the doctor 
  • The clinic’s reputation
  • The doctor and the clinic’s touch with modern practices and technology
  • First-hand information from the various past patients 
  • Photographs of before and after hair transplants of previous patients.

These days, finding an expert is very much dependent on how well you research. Do your research, but make sure to double-check the credibility and experience of the doctor. You would only want to be treated under the guidance of an experienced doctor.

Can dermatologists perform hair transplants?

Yes. Dermatologists are experts in hair transplants. They are well aware of the entire procedure.

Who is the best hair transplant surgeon in India?

Even though there are many, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is India’s top hair transplant doctor. He works at the Care Well Medical Centre hospital in Delhi, which specializes in the best hair transplant in India.

Short Summary:

As seen above, a hair transplant is not a one-time procedure. If a person needs to find success immediately, he has to choose the right people to perform the procedure. India has many doctors who are specialists in this field and highly reliable.

What is the best time for a hair transplant?

Hair transplants can be done at any point of the year, but which season is ideal? If you undergo the procedure in the summer, there are more precautions before and after the hair transplant you have to undertake compared to the winter. It would be best if you stayed away from the sun and wore a hat. It would be best if you stayed away from swimming too. In winter, one does not sweat the same as in summer. As a result, one can keep the scalp free of sweat. 

In reality, you should undergo the procedure whenever you can afford the time to relax post-procedure. Postoperative care could help your transplant become a success and not the season as many think.

When should you not get a hair transplant?

People who are below 18 years of age are not at all suitable for hair transplants. Also, if the person has an AA or PHL, they become unsuitable.

Should I get a hair transplant at age 25?

Severe hair loss necessitates a hair transplant or graft. When a person is 20 years old, such severity does not exist. Therefore, a person 25 years of age can start thinking about hair transplants. But the ideal age is 40 years of age.

Hair transplant after 10 years

Hair transplants, when done successfully, would last for even 20 years, leaving alone a lifetime. Having a second hair transplant after 20 years is also possible. However, seeking another procedure is no problem ten years after the first. It all depends on how your grafts age. Normal hairs that grow after the first procedure do not fall out for a lifetime, and a hair transplant after 10 years is an option.

Short Summary:

From the above, it is clear that hair transplants can be done at any point in the year. It depends on your postoperative care, but winter makes it more accessible. A hair transplant becomes necessary only after estimating its severity. One must be at least 25 years of age to determine such seriousness.

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Is a hair transplant worth it?

The answer to this question depends on the patient. If one considers that a hair transplant would boost his confidence and appearance, it is worth it. The advantage is that such hair transplants will last a lifetime. Thus, it is a one-time expenditure. It also involves an eight-hour ordeal for the procedure. Such a procedure is followed by recuperating for at least two weeks. If the patient can spare a lot of time, then it is worth it. Above all this, the candidate should qualify for a hair transplant. If they are not, the whole procedure is a waste of time.

What should one do to make hair transplants last longer?

One should follow certain dos and don’ts to make their hair transplant last longer. They are as follows:

  • Avoid the gym and strenuous exercises for two weeks. Exercise raises blood pressure levels, which leads to bleeding. Bleeding leads to transplanted hair falling off.
  • Avoid sunlight, as it can deepen your scalp’s swelling. Staying indoors is best. 
  • Obey your Doctor’s instructions and follow the prescribed medication. 
  • Do not resume everyday work for at least two weeks. 
  • Try to stay upright, as bending over accelerates blood flow. 
  • Avoid smoking for at least a month. 
  • Avoid sweating.

Chances of your hair transplant lasting longer increase if you follow the above-mentioned steps. Rest, you can connect with a professional expert to learn about ways to well-maintain a hair transplant.

How can I maintain my hair transplant results?

To maintain the results post-hair transplant, do the following: 

  • Protect the grafts by applying the ointments prescribed by the surgeon.
  • Clean the scalp gently, and this would help prevent scalp itching. 
  • Sleep at a 45-degree angle for the first 72 hours post-treatment. 
  • Avoid strenuous exercises until the pain and swelling are under control. The intensity of exercising can gradually increase after a week or ten days.

Your surgeon or dermatologist might have some specific requirements and ask for you to be able to maintain the transplant. Check with them and follow their instructions with care.

How can I strengthen my hair transplant?

The patient should take biotin or vitamin B7 for six months post-procedure. Biotin ensures faster hair growth along with superior-quality hair.

Short Summary:

Everything in life is worth it, provided it turns out to be successful. Hair transplants are no exception to this rule. The success of the procedure lies in postoperative care. There are many rules to follow along with medication. Such strict measures ensure the strengthening of the hair.


Hair transplantation does increase a person’s confidence. Along with it, a new outlook is undoubtedly born. Scalp hair does signify a distinct lowering of age and the hair transplant procedure is worth it. One should make lifestyle changes to control hair transplant permanent side effects, which are very limited. The success of the hair transplant permanent procedure is not vested only in the surgeon but also in the patient. To gain confidence in the course, a candidate can check on others and their results 15 years after a hair transplant. It’s successful all the way, and the cost is one-time without much downtime. If you are looking for the best clinic for Permanent Hair Transplant Surgery in Delhi, then Care Well Medical Center is well-known for this treatment.


  • A hair transplant can give you permanent, natural-looking results. (n.d.). (Link)
  • What are the risks of hair transplant surgery? (n.d.). (Link)
  • Hair transplantation frequently asked questions. (n.d.). (Link)
  • Hair transplantation. (n.d.). (Link)
  • Khanna, M. (2008). Hair transplantation surgery. (Link)
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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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Care Well Medical Centre offers cosmetic surgery services with a focus on safety and natural-looking results. Trust our experienced team for your desired transformation.


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