Say goodbye to discomfort with pain-free circumcision surgery in Delhi

Circumcision Surgery in Delhi

Seeking a safe and gentle circumcision surgery in Delhi? Look no further than Care Well Medical Centre, where our team of highly qualified surgeons offer advanced circumcision procedures for newborns, infants, and adults. At Care Well Medical Centre, we prioritize your well-being, offering personalized care and a compassionate environment. Explore the benefits of circumcision with us, where precision meets expertise.

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin, the fold of skin that covers the head of the penis. This procedure is typically performed on male infants for cultural, religious, or medical reasons. It can also be performed on adult males who choose to undergo the procedure later in life.

Here are some of the reasons why an adult male might choose to undergo circumcision:

Phimosis: This is a condition in which the foreskin is too tight to retract over the head of the penis, making it difficult to clean the area and causing discomfort during sexual activity.

Balanitis: This is an inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis that can cause pain, redness, and swelling. Circumcision may be recommended if other treatments are not effective.

Recurrent infections: Some men may experience frequent infections of the foreskin or head of the penis, which can be painful and disruptive to daily life. Private Circumcision may be recommended in these cases to reduce the risk of future infections.

At Care Well Medical Centre, we use advanced equipment and techniques to ensure minimal pain and discomfort during and after the procedure. Our team also provides post-operative care to ensure a smooth recovery.

If you are considering the Best circumcision surgery in Delhi, please contact us to schedule a consultation with our experienced doctors.

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    Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin from the penis. The procedure typically takes between 30 minutes and an hour and is performed under local or general anesthesia. Here is an overview of the circumcision procedure:

    Preparing for the procedure: Before the circumcision, the patient will be given instructions on how to prepare, such as not eating or drinking anything for a certain amount of time before the procedure.

    Administering anesthesia: Local anesthesia is most commonly used for adult circumcisions, which numbs the area around the penis. In some cases, general anesthesia may be used.

    Removing the foreskin: The surgeon will use a scalpel or other surgical instrument to remove the foreskin from the penis. The wound is then closed with stitches or surgical glue.

    Post-procedure care: After the circumcision, the patient will need to rest for a period of time and take pain medication as prescribed. The patient will also need to keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection.

    While circumcision is a relatively common procedure, it is not without risks, and anyone considering the procedure should discuss the benefits and risks with their doctor to determine if it is the right option for them. Potential risks of circumcision include bleeding, infection, and changes in sexual sensation.

    circumcision treatment in delhi

    Types of Circumcision Surgery In Delhi

     Circumcision surgery in Delhi involves the removal of the foreskin that covers the head of the penis. There are different types of circumcision surgeries based on the amount of foreskin removed and the technique used.

    Here are some common types of circumcision surgery:

    Conventional circumcision: This is also known as the “sleeve” technique. It involves the removal of the foreskin along the shaft of the penis, leaving the corona (ridge around the head) exposed.

    Shang Ring circumcision: This method involves the use of a plastic ring that clamps the foreskin, and then the excess foreskin is removed using a scalpel or scissors. The ring is left in place for several days until the foreskin heals and drops off.

    Plastibell circumcision: This method involves the use of a small plastic bell-shaped device that is placed over the head of the penis and the foreskin is pulled over it. A ligature is tied around the foreskin, which cuts off the blood supply, and the excess foreskin is removed. The device is left in place for several days until the foreskin heals and the device falls off.

    Laser circumcision: This method uses a laser to remove the foreskin instead of a scalpel or scissors. It is believed to be less painful and has a shorter healing time.

    Preputioplasty: This method is used to treat conditions such as phimosis or tight foreskin. Instead of removing the foreskin, a small incision is made in the foreskin to allow it to stretch and retract.

    ZSR Circumcision: The ZSR circumcision technique uses a special instrument called a “ring clamp” to isolate and secure the foreskin, which is then slit open using a sharp-pointed instrument. The foreskin is then removed using a pair of forceps, and the edges of the remaining skin are stitched together with absorbable sutures.

    Compared to traditional circumcision methods, the ZSR circumcision technique is believed to be less invasive and results in less bleeding, pain, and complications. It also has a faster healing time, typically taking around 7-10 days to fully heal.

    ZSR Circumcision Features

    Minimally invasive: Unlike traditional circumcision methods that use a scalpel or knife, the ZSR circumcision technique uses a special instrument to clamp the foreskin, then split it open and remove it. This results in less tissue damage and pain for the patient.

    Reduced bleeding: The ring clamp used in ZSR circumcision also helps to reduce bleeding, as it compresses the blood vessels and seals them off during the procedure.

    Faster healing time: Because the ZSR circumcision technique is less invasive, it typically has a faster healing time than traditional circumcision methods. Patients can typically return to normal activities within a week or two.

    Lower risk of complications: With less tissue damage and bleeding, there is a lower risk of complications such as infection, excessive bleeding, or scarring.

    Suitable for all ages: ZSR circumcision can be performed on males of all ages, from infants to adults.

    What is Laser Circumcision Procedure?

    Laser circumcision is a modern circumcision technique that uses a laser to remove the foreskin instead of a traditional surgical scalpel. During the procedure, the laser is used to make a precise incision in the foreskin, which is then removed. The laser also seals the blood vessels, reducing bleeding and making the healing process faster.

    The benefits of laser circumcision include reduced pain, bleeding, and swelling compared to traditional circumcision methods. Additionally, the laser offers a high degree of precision, making it easier for doctors to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing result. Laser circumcision is also associated with a shorter healing time, with patients typically able to return to their normal activities within a week or two.

    Advantages of Circumcision Surgery

    Circumcision surgery involves the removal of the foreskin that covers the head of the penis. While it is a personal decision that should be discussed with a medical professional, there are some potential advantages to circumcision. Here are some advantages of circumcision surgery:

    Improved hygiene: Without the foreskin, there is less chance of bacteria and other pathogens accumulating and causing infections, which can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other genital infections.

    Reduced risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Studies have shown that circumcised men may have a lower risk of contracting STIs, including HIV, genital herpes, and human papillomavirus (HPV).

    Lower risk of penile cancer: While rare, penile cancer is more common in uncircumcised men. Circumcision can reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.

    Reduced risk of phimosis and balanitis: Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin is too tight to retract over the head of the penis, while balanitis is an inflammation of the glans penis. Both of these conditions can be painful and require medical treatment.

    Cultural and religious reasons: Circumcision is a common practice in some cultures and religions, and may be considered an important part of tradition or religious observance.

    Risk and Complications of Circumcision Surgery

    While circumcision is generally considered a safe procedure, like any surgery, it does carry some risks and potential complications. 

    Here are some of the risks and complications associated with circumcision surgery:

    • Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal after circumcision, but excessive bleeding can be a sign of a complication. Bleeding can occur during or after the procedure and may require additional medical attention.
    • Infection: Like any surgical procedure, circumcision carries a risk of infection. Signs of infection can include redness, swelling, pain, and discharge from the site of the incision.
    • Pain: Pain and discomfort are common after circumcision, but the level of pain can vary depending on the individual and the method of circumcision used.
    • Swelling: Swelling and bruising around the penis and scrotum are common after circumcision and usually subside within a few days.
    • Complications from anesthesia: While rare, complications from anesthesia can occur during circumcision, including allergic reactions or complications related to pre-existing medical conditions.
    • Scarring: Scarring can occur after circumcision, particularly with traditional methods that use a scalpel. However, the risk of scarring is generally low.
    • Cosmetic concerns: Circumcision can result in a change in the appearance of the penis, which may be a concern for some individuals.

    It’s important to note that the risk of complications is generally low, and most men recover from Pain-free circumcision without experiencing any significant problems.

    Circumcision Surgery Cost in Delhi

    Wondering about Circumcision Surgery cost in Delhi? Care Well Medical Centre offers transparent pricing and expert care for a smooth experience.

    Our Costs:

    Competitive: We understand affordability is crucial. Our prices are fair and align with industry standards.
    Transparent: Get a detailed quote upfront, covering surgeon fees, hospital charges, and any additional costs.
    Variety: Choose from traditional, laser, or ZSR techniques, each with its own cost range.

    Unsure about the specific cost? Reach out to our friendly team on this number (+91-9667977499) for a personalized estimate based on your needs.

    Ready to take the next step? Schedule a consultation at Care Well Medical Centre and discover the clarity and confidence you deserve.

    Why did you choose Care Well Medical Centre for Circumcision Surgery In Delhi?

    Care Well Medical Centre is a reputable and reliable choice for circumcision surgery in Delhi. 

    Here are some reasons why you may want to choose Care Well Medical Centre for your circumcision surgery In Delhi:

    Experienced surgeons: The clinic has experienced and skilled surgeons who have performed numerous circumcision surgeries. They use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure a safe and successful procedure.

    Safe and sterile environment: The clinic maintains a safe and sterile environment to minimize the risk of infection and ensure a smooth recovery for patients.

    Personalized care: The staff at Care Well Medical Centre provide personalized care to every patient, ensuring that they are comfortable and informed throughout the entire process.

    Affordable prices: The clinic offers affordable prices for circumcision surgery, making it accessible to more people.

    Follow-up care: The clinic provides follow-up care to ensure that patients are healing properly and to address any concerns or issues that may arise after the procedure.

    Overall, Care Well Medical Centre is a trusted and reputable choice for circumcision surgery in Delhi, with a focus on patient comfort, safety, and satisfaction.

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    Circumcision Surgery FAQs

    • What is circumcision surgery?
    • Why is circumcision done?
    • Is circumcision painful?
    • What are the risks of circumcision surgery?
    • How long does the procedure take?
    • How long does it take to recover from circumcision surgery?
    • What should I do to prepare for circumcision surgery?
    • Will circumcision affect sexual function?
    • Is circumcision recommended for all males?
    • What should you avoid after circumcision?
    • How long does a circumcision take to fully heal?
    • What should you not do before circumcision?
    • What are common problems with circumcision?
    • Which type of circumcision is safe?
    • Does circumcision affect size?
    • What’s the best age to get circumcised?
    • Does peeing hurt after circumcision?
    • What happens if circumcision stitches open after?
    What is circumcision surgery?

    Circumcision surgery is a procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin covering the head of the penis.

    Why is circumcision done?

    Circumcision is done for various reasons, including religious or cultural beliefs, personal hygiene, and medical conditions such as phimosis (tight foreskin) or recurrent infections.

    Is circumcision painful?

    The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia to minimize pain during the surgery. Patients may experience some discomfort and swelling after the surgery, but this can be managed with pain relievers.

    What are the risks of circumcision surgery?

    As with any surgical procedure, circumcision surgery carries some risks such as bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding tissues. However, these complications are rare and can be minimized with proper care and follow-up.

    How long does the procedure take?

    The procedure usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour, and patients can go home on the same day.

    How long does it take to recover from circumcision surgery?

    Patients may experience some discomfort and swelling for a few days after the surgery, but these symptoms usually subside within a week or so. Patients can resume normal activities after a week or two.

    What should I do to prepare for circumcision surgery?

    You should discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your doctor before the procedure. You should also follow any instructions given by your doctor regarding diet, medications, and other preparations.

    Will circumcision affect sexual function?

    Circumcision does not usually affect sexual function or pleasure. Some studies have suggested that circumcision may even reduce the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections.

    Is circumcision recommended for all males?

    Circumcision is a personal decision and is not recommended for all males. You should discuss the benefits and risks of circumcision with your doctor to make an informed decision.

    What should you avoid after circumcision?

    After circumcision surgery, it is important to avoid sexual activity, heavy lifting, and strenuous exercise for at least a week. Patients should also avoid tight clothing or underwear that may irritate the area. It is important to keep the area clean and dry to prevent infection.

    How long does a circumcision take to fully heal?

    The healing time for circumcision varies, but it usually takes around two to three weeks for the penis to fully heal. During this time, patients may experience some discomfort and swelling, but these symptoms should gradually subside. It is important to follow any post-operative instructions given by the doctor to promote healing and prevent infection.

    What should you not do before circumcision?

    Before circumcision surgery, you should avoid taking blood-thinning medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen. You should also avoid smoking and drinking alcohol as they can increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure. Additionally, you should follow any instructions given by your doctor regarding diet and medications.

    What are common problems with circumcision?

    Common problems with circumcision include bleeding, infection, pain, swelling, and an unsatisfactory cosmetic outcome. In rare cases, more serious complications such as damage to the penis, excessive bleeding, or anesthesia complications can occur. It is important to follow proper care instructions and contact a healthcare provider if any complications arise.

    Which type of circumcision is safe?

    All types of circumcision are generally safe when performed by a qualified and experienced healthcare provider. The most common types of circumcision are the traditional method and the modern method, which involves the use of a device to remove the foreskin. The choice of method may depend on individual preferences, cultural or religious beliefs, and medical conditions. It is important to discuss the options with a healthcare provider.

    Does circumcision affect size?

    Circumcision does not affect the size of the penis. The length and girth of the penis are determined by genetics and are not influenced by circumcision.

    What’s the best age to get circumcised?

    There is no specific age that is considered the best for circumcision. The procedure can be done at any age, but the risks and benefits may vary depending on the age of the patient. It is important to discuss the benefits and risks with a qualified healthcare provider to determine the best age for the procedure.

    Does peeing hurt after circumcision?

    It is common for patients to experience some discomfort and burning sensation while urinating after circumcision surgery. This is due to irritation of the urethra from the healing process. However, this discomfort usually subsides within a few days and can be managed with pain relievers and proper hygiene.

    What happens if circumcision stitches open after?

    If circumcision stitches open after the surgery, it can lead to bleeding and increase the risk of infection. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if this happens. The doctor may need to re-stitch the wound or use other methods to close it, depending on the severity of the opening.

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