Facing hair loss? You can fix it right away without any delay. Thanks to 21st century medical technology, it is possible to stop your hair loss and enhance your hair growth as per your desire. 

What Makes Our Center Special for Hair Transplantation In Delhi?

December 3, 2021 by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Facing hair loss? You can fix it right away without any delay. Thanks to 21st-century medical technology, it is possible to stop your hair loss and enhance your hair growth as per your desire. 

There are many clinics that offer various cosmetic treatments like hair transplantation. What makes Care Well Medical Centre unique for hair transplant procedures? This article elaborates on the unique selling points of Care Well Medical Center that will help you select it at once without thinking twice.

Before proceeding with the unique aspects of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi, let us describe the features you should look out for before choosing a clinic.

How to choose the right clinic for hair transplantation?

Keep the following points in mind before rounding off the right clinic for hair treatment:

  • Check the skills, expertise, and experience of the cosmetic surgeon in performing hair transplants. Try to find out the success rate of the surgeon. Furthermore, the surgeon should be aware of the right anesthesia dose to be given to prevent post-operative side effects.
  • Go through the online reviews of the surgeon. A positive review really matters! If possible, contact past patients to find out the surgeon’s efficiency and his/her quality of care.
  • Try to find out the standards and safety aspects of the clinic. Again, the success rate of the Hair transplant clinic plays a vital role. 
  • The clinic should be properly cleaned, regularly sanitized, and equipped with leading-edge infrastructure and technologies to improve the accuracy of surgical procedures.
  • The clinic must have the right facility or access to conduct various diagnostic tests which help to determine the cause of medical issues.
  • Since hair transplant methods are not medically insured, the cost of the treatment should be highly affordable. Check if the surgeon and treatment costs are personalized and affordable which could justify the quality.
  • Check if the surgeon offers pre-surgical and post-surgical consultations to get timely care.
  • The treatment should be NABH or JCI accredited.
  • Hospital officials should strictly maintain high confidentiality.

Choose the clinic that satisfies the above parameters and proceed with the cosmetic treatment. Although this research is time-consuming, it is highly recommended to get the best treatment.

Why should you choose our Centre for Hair Transplant procedures?

Now, let us understand how Care Well Medical Centre (CWMC) stands out from other clinics so that you can make the right choice.

As seen in the figure, Care Well Medical Centre offers the right combination of treatments offered by other clinics according to the patient’s requirements.

  1. Expertise – All cosmetic surgeries are performed by the Founder Dr. Sandeep Bhasin, the qualified award-winning cosmetic surgeon (Master of Surgery M.S.) with an experience of more than 15 years in hair transplantation techniques. Sandeep Bhasin- This name itself is a renowned brand in hair transplantation technology indeed.
  2. The Care Well Medical Center is Government registered with 15 beds occupancy rate.
  3. The clinic involves a well-qualified physicians’ team that includes a surgeon, dermatologist, and experienced medical practitioners
  4. The facilities offered by Care Well Medical Centre include:
    • Evaluation of the cause by conducting various examinations
    • Initial consultation
    • Treatment suggestions considering the patients’ concerns, cost, and cause of the condition
    • Detailed counseling
    • Strictly confidentiality while maintaining patients’ medical records
    • Timely guidance at regular intervals
    • Recommendation of surgery only if required
    • Pre-surgical consultation regarding the treatment procedure and conditions to be followed after surgery
    • Surgery including anesthesia
    • Post-surgical consultations according to the patient’s recovery and concerns if any
    • Result examination

Now that you have understood the overall strategy followed by our clinic. Next, let us go through the steps involved in the following three stages:

Before the procedure

  • Our well-qualified doctors and counselors provide detailed counseling to our patients
  • Patient satisfaction is the physician’s strength! Hence, our medical team will explain the entire hair transplantation procedure step by step including the pros and cons. The right patient education helps them to set realistic expectations about the outcome of hair transplantation. Furthermore, patients will get satisfied once they understand the significance of treatment.
  • During the initial consultation, the surgeon will perform the following tests:
    • Physical test – Scalp test to check dandruff, grade of baldness, keloid formation, diseases like effluvium, or disorders, if any.
    • Examinations – Blood pressure, pulse rate, and ECG.
    • Medical tests – CBC, KFT, LFT, HIV, HBsAg, APTT, PT, HCV, and RT-PCR.

In case the patient is consuming any medications, our medical team may recommend stopping them before the surgery in order to avoid any surgical complications.

During the hair transplant procedure

  • Local anesthesia is administered with the help of a fine needle to reduce the intensity of pain and vibration. At times, ice packs are also given.
  • The surgeon will first design the hairline with temporal triangles to give a natural look 
  • Usually, our medical team follows the FUE technique for better results. This surgery involves smaller scars
  • During the hair transplantation procedure, a helper will spray the saline solution continuously to keep the grafts hydrated
  • The surgeon will remove the grafts using an 8mm punch where all hair follicles are extracted properly. The right application of holes provides the density with a proper angle, direction, and depth.
  • The angle and direction of the punch are followed properly for quality results. This procedure can also improve yield and density and decrease graft damage.
  • The hairline is formed in a zigzag pattern to get a natural look.
  • The frontal tuff, temporal hump, and temporal triangles are considered high-density (hair implant) areas by the surgeon.
  • During the implantation procedure, a single follicle is implanted in front up to 30 degrees. Two-thirds of follicles are implanted in the back area at 50-70 degrees.
  • The crown area will have a whorl pattern. Nearly, 40-50 grafts are placed in the front area at a density of 1cm square area. Similarly, – 30-40 grafts are placed at the back portion.
  • Our team uses blades for making holes instead of needles. The use of blades can improve the density and enhance the result.
  • Our surgeons do not follow the root touch technique for implantation as the grafts are too delicate to handle and keep them alive using forceps.
  • The wooden spatula is used for counting the grafts as it maintains transparency in graft count.

Above all, we provide more grafts of around 200 than decided. The reason is we deliver more than what we promise.

After the procedure

  • After the hair transplantation procedure, our medical team will recommend having follow-up consultations for six months. 
  • Our clinic offers 3 complimentary PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) sessions if required
  • Even after 9 months if the results are unsatisfactory, our surgeon will offer complimentary grafting for 500 grafts. The patient will have to pay only operation theater charges
  • Furthermore, the patients should follow the below-listed precautions:
    • Avoid smoking
    • Avoid the use of steroids
    • Have a well-balanced diet and consume more water
    • Have a good sleep
    • Consume the prescribed medications (DHT or minoxidil) regularly without giving them a miss

Summing up

Hair transplantation may not go well with everyone. At times, patients may undergo side effects such as swelling, bleeding, itching, etc. after undergoing hair transplantation. Only a skilled and experienced surgeon can perform it well. Hence, you should visit the best hair transplantation clinic in Delhi.

As mentioned above, our clinic follows all the right steps to enhance your personality. Above all, our patient satisfaction is our top priority! That’s how we got more than 4000 happy clients with satisfactory results. 

If you want to fix your hair loss issue right away, book a consultation with our highly skilled medical professionals at Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi immediately.

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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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In short words

Care Well Medical Centre offers cosmetic surgery services with a focus on safety and natural-looking results. Trust our experienced team for your desired transformation.


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