The most important thing to take care of after a hair transplant. How to take care of our hair (grafts) after hair transplantation? What precautions should be taken? In today's article, we are going to discuss some caring tips for after a hair transplant.

After Hair transplant Care Tips – Guaranteed Get Best Results

April 11, 2023 by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin


The most important thing to take care of after a hair transplant. How to take care of our hair (grafts) after hair transplantation? What precautions should be taken? In today’s article, we are going to discuss some caring tips for hair transplants. Keeping these things in mind, you can get the best and most guaranteed result from your hair transplant. Let us discuss this further. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of hair follicles from one part of the body. It’s known as the giver site, and transplanting them to a blunt or blunting part of the body is the beneficiary site. It is done to treat male pattern baldness.

The vital standard of hair transplantation is that of contributor authority. That the occipital patch contains androgen-defiant hairs and is thus enduring. They preserve this asset when transplanted to other patches. So, these hairs have remained as it is even after being transplanted and will not fall off.

Maximize Your Hair Transplant Results: Essential Tips for Post-Procedure Care

A hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery that involves moving hair follicles from one area of the scalp to another. It’s a common procedure that’s used to treat hair loss and baldness. After the surgery, it’s important to take proper care of your scalp to ensure that the transplanted hair follicles grow properly. Here are some tips to help you take care of your scalp after a hair transplant:

  1. Follow your doctor’s instructions

Your doctor will provide you with specific instructions on how to take care of your scalp after the surgery. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that you get the best results. Your doctor may advise you to avoid certain activities, such as swimming or excessive sweating, for a few weeks after the surgery.

  1. Keep your scalp clean

It’s important to keep your scalp clean after the surgery to prevent infections. Your doctor may prescribe a special shampoo or cleansing solution to use in the first few weeks after the surgery. Make sure to follow the instructions on how to use the shampoo or solution.

  1. Avoid scratching or rubbing your scalp

After the surgery, your scalp will be sensitive and itchy. It’s important to resist the urge to scratch or rub your scalp, as this can damage the transplanted hair follicles. If you feel the need to scratch, gently tap your scalp with your fingers instead.

  1. Avoid exposure to the sun

Exposure to the sun can damage your scalp and affect the growth of the transplanted hair follicles. It’s important to avoid direct sunlight for at least a few weeks after the surgery. If you need to go outside, wear a hat or use sunscreen with a high SPF.

  1. Avoid smoking and drinking

Smoking and drinking can slow down the healing process and affect the growth of the transplanted hair follicles. It’s important to avoid smoking and drinking for at least a few weeks after the surgery.

  1. Take care when sleeping

It’s important to take care when sleeping after the surgery. Avoid sleeping on your stomach or sides, as this can put pressure on your scalp and damage the transplanted hair follicles. Sleep on your back with your head elevated on a pillow.


In conclusion, taking proper care of your scalp after a hair transplant is essential to ensure that the transplanted hair follicles grow properly. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully, keep your scalp clean, avoid scratching or rubbing your scalp, avoid exposure to the sun, avoid smoking and drinking, and take care when sleeping. By following these tips, you can guarantee the best results from your hair transplant surgery.

How long should I rest after a hair transplant?

The curative process starts directly away after the technique. Preventing harm or infection in this area is very important in the curative stage. Here we have our comprehensive guide on the recovery timing from an FUE hair transplant. If this FUE hair transplant is done under experts in clinics meeting all the important necessities. You will be satisfied with the results.

Just after the hair transplant, the person can carry on with their day-to-day without much difficulty. It only takes 8-10 days. It will take one year to come back to your final look, how long it looks is by no means invasive.

Particularly if the hair you presently planted at the 90 degree angle, the solution will be very perfect. You can carry on with your existence in a very protected and pleased way.

Read Too: Why has FUE considered the best hair transplant?

How long do grafts last after a hair transplant?

An enormous deal of awareness is paid to identifying and fixing the factors. That influences the endurance of implants after hair transplantation. The trivial factors that control the transplanted implant embrace the patient’s health. The distinctiveness of the hair, and effective procedures. 

Typically, the curative practice or the time for the transplanted implants to reconcile is around 8-10 days. You need to be very vigilant for the first two weeks after hair transplantation. This is because implants are not fixated immediately after transplantation

  • After 1 to 6 days, if any bandages are placed, they can be removed, but don’t touch the implants.
  • Daily you can wash your hair gently without touching it with your hands using clean water.
  • After three weeks, you can clean your hair punctually and return to your daily routine.
  • After 11 to 15 days, if you have any non-dissolvable stitches, they have removed in case of FUT.
  • After some weeks, the transplanted implants will go out eventually, and new hair starts to develop back later.
  • After half a year you can watch that new hair start growing. 
  • After 14 to 20 months, you can scrutinize the final results.

Can I apply oil after a hair transplant?

Post-hair transplant, one should go through the post-operative instructions given. Doctors usually provide the shampoo to be used for cleaning and washing the scalp with antiseptic lotion/ointment for the contributor area. This guarantees the cleaning of the patch and softens the scabs which promote the curative method. 

One can use coconut or almond oil in the contributor area from 2 weeks onwards. If there is itching/ redness in the healing patch, the oil application may also give some release in it. In the beneficiary region, one can start applying oil after 8-12 weeks.

Read Too: How Really Successful is Hair Transplant Surgery?

How can I cover my head after a hair transplant?

Most of the patients are curious to know how soon they can wear a hat after a hair transplant. Post the hair transplant, the scalp may be inflated. You may incident some bleeding and coating for the first few days. 

Meanwhile, surgeons suggest waiting 8 to 10 days before wearing something over the scalp until the implants are attached. By wearing a hat you could disturb the implants. Damaging the grafts could create empty patches on the scalp and jeopardize the entire hair transplant recovery process. After 7 to 10 days, once the grafts are permanently anchored, wearing a hat is considered safe.

How soon can I use Minoxidil after a hair transplant?

Many hair transplant patients wonder if they should use minoxidil after their procedure. It’s usually a good idea for many patients. The use of minoxidil following a hair transplant can do two things:

1. the rate at which the transplanted hairs begin to grow after about a month.

2. lessen the likelihood of further hair loss in existing hairs (non-transplanted hairs).

What should I eat after a hair transplant?

Try having light food that is digestible just after the surgery. Eat Rice, Dal, Chapati, Rasam. 


Hair is made of protein, so you’ll need a lot of it while you’re healing. Eat plenty of chicken, fish, eggs, milk and cheese, beans, nuts, and seeds to get a variety of essential amino acids.

Fatty Acids Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are required for a variety of bodily functions. But they are frequently deficient in the standard American diet. They are found in fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, and salmon. Flaxseed, walnuts, and avocado are examples of vegetarian sources.


Eat a varied diet rich in whole foods to get the full spectrum of vitamins your body requires. Brown rice, broccoli, spinach, whole-grain pasta, black beans, lettuce, peppers, almonds, and zucchini are all excellent choices. A good vitamin can help fill in the gaps.

Foods to Avoid After Hair Transplant Surgery

After a hair transplant, it’s important to take care of your scalp to ensure the transplanted hair follicles grow properly. Avoid the following after hair restoration surgery:

  • Alcohol, junk food
  • Stressful periods last a long time.
  • Stress, like malnutrition, can cause hair loss
  • Maintaining a positive attitude, practicing deep breathing, and getting enough sleep will supplement your dietary efforts. 

Along with following your doctor’s instructions, paying attention to your diet is crucial. Here are some foods to avoid:

  1. Spicy and salty foods: These can irritate the scalp and cause swelling, so it’s best to avoid them for a few weeks after the surgery.
  2. Alcohol: It can interfere with the healing process and cause dehydration, so it’s best to avoid alcohol for at least a week after the surgery.
  3. Caffeine: It can constrict blood vessels and affect blood flow to the scalp, so it’s best to avoid caffeine for at least a week after the surgery.
  4. Carbonated drinks: These can cause discomfort and affect the healing process, so it’s best to avoid them for at least a week after the surgery.
  5. Foods high in vitamin E: Consuming large amounts of vitamin E-rich foods, such as nuts and seeds, can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising after surgery, so it’s best to avoid them for at least a week after the surgery.
  6. Fried and greasy foods: These can cause inflammation and lead to acne on the scalp, so it’s best to avoid them for a few weeks after the surgery.


In conclusion, avoiding these foods after a hair transplant can help reduce the risk of complications and speed up the healing process. Remember to consult with your doctor about any dietary restrictions and recommendations specific to your case. By following the tips mentioned above and taking proper care of your scalp, you can maximize the results of your hair transplant surgery.


Which shampoo is best after a hair transplant?

To achieve the best results, use hair-stimulating products after your transplant. Returning to your regular shampoo and conditioner after your scabs have healed will not harm you. But it will also not help you maintain your hair growth results.

Hair-stimulating products will not only help you achieve the best possible hair growth from newly transplanted follicles. But will also help you avoid hair loss in untreated areas.

Click to Uncover the GFC Hair Elixir’s Secrets.

Can I wear a wig after having my hair transplanted?

You can wear a wig after the hair transplant. But be very careful that there is no rubbing against the recipient graft site with the wig. It is very clean as it might cause bacterial infection in the recipient area. Ask your salon to get it clean. Preferably, Try to avoid using tapes and glues in your head.

Since FUE requires a shave, most women prefer FUT strip surgery. Because there is no need to shave and scarring is not visible. If a woman decides to have FUE surgery for whatever reason. She can consult with her doctor about wearing a wig or scarf. FUE does not guarantee better results. It is simply a method of harvesting.

Should I massage my head after a hair transplant?

Individuals who have got a hair transplant done should avoid doing head massages for some days.

After 15 days of hair transplant, massage your head in a circular motion at the transplanted area of your hair with the fingertips. The aim is to soften and relax the scalps to promote hair growth. 

Massage lightly over your head. The reason why you should not massage your head before 10-15 days is that you should wait for around 10-15 days to settle the effects of the surgical approach. If you do it before this duration there are chances that your hair follicle will get damaged.

Can you go bald after a hair transplant?

To have temporary hair loss is normal after a hair transplant. This is a temporary (and somewhat ironic) side effect of hair restoration treatment. 

As per the American Academy of Dermatology. It is quite normal if transplanted hairs to fall out from two to eight weeks after the surgery, from shock. After the third month of the hair transplant hair usually looks thin. When shock abates, the grafted follicles start producing hair normally. Your transplanted hair grows normally and becomes thicker later on.

The patient will not suffer from pattern baldness after the hair transplant as the follicles will be harvested normally as they have been taken from the back and sides of the head the areas which have good hair growth.

Can I use a helmet after a hair transplant?

When the grafts are taken from the donor area and embedded in the recipient area they become very sensitive and delicate. The donor area might also bleed and there are chances of crust formation in that area. It becomes very critical to take care of these grafts post-hair transplant. 

If you don’t take precautions there are chances that a hair transplant might fail. If you wear a cap it is a good option but avoid wearing a helmet within a few days after a hair transplant. Wearing a cap or helmet might cause friction against the grafts so try to avoid wearing a helmet or cap till recovery.

The time period to avoid wearing a cap is 10-15 days while you should not wear a helmet till 2-3 weeks after a hair transplant. Preferably, wear a loose cap or helmet, as a tight cap or helmet might cause the hair follicles to stick to the cap or helmet. This might cause unnecessary harm and scalp infection. Try to cover your head with a bandanna or cloth then wear a cap or helmet.

Is PRP necessary after a hair transplant?

It might be strange but it is true that PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) makes the grafted hair stronger and thicker. PRP  helps new follicles to survive and grow in better conditions. PRP injections have been proven to prevent hair loss. This has also been beneficial for the entire hair scalp even where transplantation has not been performed.

What is PRP?

Plasma  Rich Platelet is an injection that contains platelet concentrations several times higher than usual in the blood. It is autologous, which means the blood is collected from the patient’s body.

Benefits of PRP

  • Strengthening the poor donors as well as the areas that are not transplanted.
  • Increases the graft yield rate.
  • Reduce the transactional graft rate.
  • Heals the donor as well as recipient areas.
  • Increases the viability of hair follicles.
  • Helps in repairing tissues and the healing process.
  • Hair follicles are strengthened, and hair growth is stimulated.

What should be avoided after hair transplantation?

Before hair transplantation, it is essential to go through proper pre-hair transplantation care. This will give relaxation in transplantation smoothly and avoid uneasiness during the process. The person going through the procedure should follow the given hair transplant care : 

• Don’t consume Aspirin, Advil, anti-inflammatory medicines, or painkillers. It also to vitamins, especially Vitamin B and E, blood thinners, and or any herbal medications.

 • The person should also stop taking any sort of steroids and using cortisone creams as they can raise the threat of bleeding during the surgery.

 • Taking alcohol and smoking are not allowed during this procedure.

How can you avoid hair loss after a hair transplant?

Here we have some of the ways to ensure you the long-lasting results from a hair transplant.

Proper Timing of the Surgery

Patients may experience hair thinning after a transplant if the surgery was performed too soon. Hair from a part of the scalp that was going to fall out could be harvested. Before surgery, patients must have a take on how far their hairline would recede and the overall extent of balding.

Picking the Right Hair Transplant Surgeon

In relation to the previous point, baldness following a hair transplant could be the result of an inexperienced or poorly trained surgeon. A reputable surgeon may take your age, medical history, and other factors into account. When determining the best time for surgery and the best technique for your needs.

Make sure to do your homework and think about a few promising surgeons in the Delhi, INDIA area. When making your final decision, choose a surgeon who is well-trained and whose judgment you can rely on.

Follow Aftercare Instructions

Following your hair transplant, you’ll want to do everything possible to care for the transplanted follicles and your scalp. Follow all post-op instructions to the letter, and report any concerns to us as soon as they arise.

Read Too: What Makes Our Center Special for Hair Transplantation In Delhi?


Hair transplant operation may be a better alternative for people who have hair lessening and hair thrashing. It may not be an everlasting resolution to thinning hair. But for many people, it can assist reinstate hair richness and self-assurance. To get a hair transplant done under expertise surgeons visit or call at Care Well Medical Centre.

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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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