Are you weary of trying to melt all the excess fat stored in your body? Are you not obtaining results by exercising or dieting? If you feel you have not left any stone unturned and are not getting results despite putting your best foot forward, then your most suitable choice is to undergo Liposuction. But this question also comes into people's minds how will be life after liposuction?

Life After Liposuction: Everything You Need to Know!

November 16, 2022 by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Are you weary of trying to melt all the excess fat stored in your body? Are you not obtaining results by exercising or dieting? If you feel you have not left any stone unturned and are not getting results despite putting your best foot forward, then your most suitable choice is to undergo Liposuction. But this question also comes into people’s minds how will be life after liposuction? So today we are covering the answers to these questions in this article. If you wish to know more about liposuction, its procedures, and everything related, read on. 

What is Liposuction?

It is common for one’s fat cells to expand when they put on weight. The areas which are primarily affected are: 

  • Posterior
  • Areas surrounding the ankles and calves 
  • Chest 
  • Back 
  • Upper arms 
  • Neck 
  • Chin and the abdominal region
  • Face

Liposuction is a solution for people who cannot get rid of the new bulk that grows in size despite a diet and exercise regimen.

Liposuction is a standard cosmetic operation in which excess fat is surgically removed from the body. It is neither a solution nor a replacement for efforts one would typically put in. However, this fat removal surgery can help eliminate trouble spots where fat has been remarkably resistant to typical weight loss methods. In some cases, Liposuction can also treat Gynecomastia and reduce the size of the male breasts. Through this article, you can know here how liposuction helps in reducing the size of your body parts.

The success of liposuction lies purely on the person, as the resulting changes are permanent as long as their weight stays under control. It is essential to know that skin imperfections such as stretch marks cannot be removed by Liposuction surgeries. Therefore, one must keep realistic expectations while opting for Liposuction. Liposuction cost varies from the area to be operated and based on the hospitals you select to go for the surgery.

A Few Hours after Liposuction

Liposuction can cause varying degrees of discomfort after the operation, depending on the body part under question. Yet, a compression garment proves handy to provide pressure to the slimed areas. Initially, the Surgeon utilizes an anesthetic solution during surgery to ease the pain. Later on, you can put a compression garment to use. 

The anesthesia does contain the pain for a few hours, but it wears off while one sleeps post-surgery. You can expect varying degrees of pain ranging from mild to severe later on. The pain also depends upon the area operated. It’s best to stay overnight at the hospital or clinic post-liposuction surgery. It would help your physician record fluid movements and dehydration to help you heal better.

Water Procedures

A popular type of Liposuction is the Tumescent Liposuction method, better known as the fluid liposuction procedure. The process entails filling up the area from where the fat is to be removed with the medicated solution. It is difficult to predict the quantity of such medicated solutions as it can go up to three times compared to fat removal surgery. The water procedure allows the patient to avoid general anesthesia and helps to recover quickly. As per experience and studies, this method is the least painful and most effective. One can be an out-patient and have the fat removal procedure done quickly.

Compression Garment

Apart from the surgical skills, there is yet another vital cog to the wheel of Liposuction. The compression garment enters the scene post-surgery and plays an essential role in determining the success of the entire process. These nylon-made garments can stretch to suit the body and maintain the required pressure. It comes in for both genders and in multiple sizes. Appropriately worn, this garment determines the contours of your body that you were expecting before the operation. Thus, compression garments determine the most promising results and comfortable recovery.

Scars, Bruises, and Pain Physical Activity Regimen

Scarring does happen, however careful and skilled the Surgeon is. However, an experienced professional can minimize it. He does this by making smaller incisions, and the scars are not too evident to the naked eye. 

Bruises, however, are a common side-effect that occurs. Bruises would reach a peak after three days from the date of operation as the capillaries are damaged and may heal any time from two weeks to a month. Pain needs to be sustained by the patient for at least four days from the date of the operation. The compression garment plays an integral role in relieving such pain.

How Long Till You See Results?

Liposuction results are quicker than one can imagine. The solution lies in the patient’s hands as there are a few procedures to follow to ensure timely and healthy results. Skin health is essential, so one must meticulously consume water, protein, and vitamin C. The skin needs building blocks, so one must ensure ample Collagen production. It would take a month if you removed just a tiny quantity of fat. If the fat removal is high, it would be close to three months to witness results. You can further justify the outcomes by maintaining weight post the first success.

How Much Fat is removed?

Yes, why not, liposuction may actually be the best way to reduce body fat. The answer to this would differ from patient to patient. Fat removal depends on factors such as body weight, BMI, skin elasticity, the areas of fat removal, etc. However, one can remove an average of 5000 ml of fat through Liposuction. Translated into weight, it is roughly eleven pounds. 

The benchmark of 5 liters of fat removal is reasonable for a patient with good health. Any good Surgeon would not recommend or remove more as he knows that the loose skin is bound to sag and form ugly contours. You must consult a learned specialist to evaluate your body and recommend the correct procedure.

How Many Clothing Sizes Can you Go Down with Liposuction?

Liposuction can destroy fat cells that have enlarged by throwing in weight, which would never return as it does not regenerate. On the other hand, the fat cells destroyed are the ones that are below the skin but above the muscles. Stomach fat removal can never be affected through Liposuction. As a result, one can get rid of only 7 liters of fat, which translates into dropping up to two sizes. Ultimately it also depends on which areas you suction fat from.

Will the Fat Grow Back after the Surgery?

Despite Liposuction, if you continue to eat poorly and don’t exercise, you may notice a return of fat deposits. In addition, an individual’s liposuction outcomes may be less striking if they gain weight post-surgery. 

If, for instance, you weighed 140 pounds before the treatment and had 10 pounds removed, containing your weight at or below 130 pounds after Liposuction is necessary to keep the fat from returning. If the “post-lipo weight” is kept constant, the person will not regain fat. Therefore, the patient must constantly exercise, eat healthily, and maintain a continual weight after liposuction.

Different Types of Liposuction

The four most popular methods of Liposuction surgery are:

  1. Tumescent liposuction: Regarded as popular in Liposuction, Tumescent Liposuction is the procedure where the area to be operated on is swamped with saline. The saline combines with Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, and epinephrine. Then, the suction process is used to suck out fat using miniature tubes.
  2. Dry liposuction: It is considered a high-risk form of Liposuction. Bruising with inevitable blood loss is a common factor of dry liposuction. In addition, the method prevents the usage of local anesthesia through injections, and the tissue generally containing 30% blood is removed through this dry process.
  3. Wet liposuction: Although considered less risky than dry Liposuction, the wet liposuction method advocates the usage of general anesthesia. The problem is that the anesthesia levels remain unaltered without considering the Liposuction levels. Therefore, the patient would lose 15- 20% of tissue blood.
  4. Super wet liposuction: Lipoclastic, more commonly known as Super Wet Liposuction, follows the same method adopted under Tumescent Liposuction. It requires far less anesthesia and might be completed in a shorter period. The solution includes the local anesthetic Lidocaine. There are also vasoconstrictor epinephrine and salt water to control bleeding. The Cannula is used with the liquid injected and as a tool for suctioning and removing the fat.
Types Of Liposuction Surgery, Different Types of Liposuction
Types Of Liposuction Surgery

How Safe Is The Procedure?

It is fair to inquire about the safety of Liposuction before undertaking the operation. But, can we say that Liposuction is a risk-free operation? 

Safe Liposuction” is a procedure that advocates the usage of tumescent local anesthesia. Under this procedure, the patient is awake and aware of what’s happening, ensuring self-comfort. Cannula bores of the smallest size are deployed along a fine laser fiber to safeguard the patient’s internal organs from being pierced. These burn down the fat cells for easy removal and prevent damage to the surrounding tissues and organs. The skin also gets tightened in the process, ensuring a firm structure.

Risks and side effects

  1. Permanent Deformity: Liposuction can go wrong if the fat removal is uneven, the skin lacks elasticity, or there is inadequate healing. The result of such measures would make the skin look wavy. In addition, the Cannula used in liposuction treatments might cause persistent skin discoloration by damaging the dermis. 
  2. Fluid Accumulation: Swellings (seromas) can develop beneath the skin’s surface. Surgeons can drain such accumulating fluids by using a needle.
  3. Accidental Punctures: The Cannula used to remove the body’s excess fat could accidentally pierce an organ, thus necessitating immediate surgery.
  4. Dangers of loosened fat: Fragments of fat that have gotten loose have the potential to lodge themselves in blood vessels. They collect in the airways and even reach the cerebral cortex. Therefore, a fat infarction requires immediate medical attention.
  5. Risk to the kidney, heart, and lungs: Your body’s fluid levels will drastically alter during surgery. As a result, you may be at risk for severe kidney, compassion, and lung complications.
  6. Risks in pain-killer: Although Lidocaine helps pain management during Liposuction and is usually risk-free, it can become toxic in rare cases. In addition, it may lead to life-threatening issues for both cardio-vascular and cerebral-connected organs.
Risk And Side Effects of liposuction Surgery
Risk And Side Effects of liposuction Surgery

Before & After Results After Liposuction

How do the results appear after liposuction surgery? Sharing some such before and after liposuction photos with you.

Benefits Of Liposuction

The benefits of Lipo surgery are as follows:

  • Maximum elimination of fat cells
  • It paves the way to a healthy lifestyle and inspires patients. The results of the procedure can be seen nearly immediately. People often become encouraged to adopt a better lifestyle after experiencing substantial weight loss.
  • Exercise and diet start delivering promising results.
  • Appearance changes and boosts self-confidence.
  • Cures Lymphedema, which causes swelling in some regions of the legs and arms. Liposuction can remove excess fluid.
  • Relief from Lipoma, which is harmful fatty tumors
  • Relief from obesity.
  • Improves BMI to a considerable extent.
  • Evens out fat distribution.
  • Prevents premature wear & tear of joints/ tendons
  • Noticeable change in self-esteem.
  • Shoots down triglyceride levels.
  • Reduction in inflammatory cells leads to improvement in cardiovascular condition. Liposuction has proven to decrease the number of inflammatory cells by about 11 percent on average.

What to Avoid Before Your Liposuction?

Jotted below is the list of things you should avoid before Liposuction.

  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid aspirin
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory medicines
  • Avoid herbal supplements
  • Avoid liquids, including water/tea/coffee, and alcohol, the night before the surgery
  • Avoid chewing gums
  • Avoid continuing certain medications you generally consume as per your doctor’s advice
  • Avoid swallowing water while rinsing your teeth
  • Avoid food intake six hours before surgery
  • Avoid sudden loss of weight before surgery
  • Avoid shaving on proposed treatment areas 48 hours before surgery
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes
What to Avoid Before Your Liposuction Treatment
What to Avoid Before Your Liposuction Treatment

What is the Perfect Age to Have Liposuction?

It is best to start considering Liposuction once a person is past 18 years of age. At 18, a person is deemed to have reached mental and physical maturity. If the person wants the surgery done on their hips and thighs, they should have at least crossed 30 as their skin elasticity is suitable for the procedure. For people who wish to have laser skin resurfacing, the ideal age is 50. 


Liposuction is not a medical condition but a cosmetic procedure that is often a necessity to start life again in a healthier way. It’s best to know whether the person does satisfy the primary conditions to undergo liposuction before approaching the Surgeon. You can either opt for surgical or non-surgical liposuction. More important is the recovery stage, in which the patient needs to wait for results and try to avoid pushing them. One should first check who are the best doctors or hospitals to carry out the delicate operation as the consequences of wrong incisions would reveal scars and bruises for life. If you are looking for the best liposuction clinic in Delhi, you can book a consultation with experts at the Care Well Medical Centre and know your chances at the treatment. 


Q1. What Happens Immediately After The Procedure?

Ans: It’s best to stay home and ask a trustworthy adult to care for you after the procedure. The Surgeon would have advised you on how to recover sound and the side effects you might experience. Such advice includes medicines, compression garments, water intake, and avoiding salt.

Q2. How to Reduce Swelling After Liposuction?

Ans: It is usual for the swelling to remain so even after months post-liposuction surgery. Yet, you can accomplish the following to contain it:

  • Wear compression garments
  • Daily walks
  • Massage the swollen areas
  • Prevent fluid build-up by allowing lymphatic drainage massages
  • Avoid self-massage

Q3. What Is Fibrosis After Liposuction?

Ans: You cannot rule out pain after Liposuction; it is bound to be there for at least 2-3 weeks post-surgery. It is called ‘Fibrosis,’ The symptoms include lumps, scars, and thickening tissues in areas where the surgery has been done, and regular massages in the area described above are the only solution.

Q4. How to Get Rid Of Lumps After Liposuction?

Ans: One cannot rule out lumps post-Liposuction surgeries, which appear in the short term. Yet, you can reduce your concerns over it. Your Surgeon may recommend two techniques to minimize them. They are Bimodal Compression and Open Drainage. If these are unsatisfactory, the Surgeon may perform another Liposuction to resolve the problem.

Q5. How to Tighten Loose Skin After Liposuction?

Ans: People who desire Liposuction should have good skin elasticity—your surgeon checks for such elasticity before qualifying you to undergo one. The theory is that such free or loose skin would help in size changes. It is also comforting to know that the Surgeon can remove extra loose skin after Liposuction.

Q6. Does Liposuction Leave Scars?

Ans: Scars are difficult to avoid during Liposuction despite the tiny and careful incisions into the patient’s skin for the Cannula process. The size of the scar depends on the volume of fat removed. In this context, skin quality to resist scars is also essential. The solution removes or minimizes scars through laser treatments post Liposuction.

Q7. How to Recover from Liposuction Faster?

Ans: Pushing yourself to speedy recovery post Liposuction is not advisable. It takes time, and the best you can do is to follow the advice of the American Society of Plastic Surgery. They are as follows:

  • Consumption of adequate water
  • Mild walking
  • Usage of compression garments
  • Extra protection of the incision areas

Q8. What To Wear After Liposuction?

Ans: It is normal to experience swelling after Liposuction, and it’s best to wear loose-fit garments. One does not need to buy more oversized garments as long as the old ones can do the job. It is also essential to consider the compression garment inside the clothing that you choose to wear.

Q9. What to Eat After Liposuction Surgery?

Ans: Since your body is in recovery mode, it’s best to eat suitable foods and avoid the wrong ones. As Inflammation is at a high-risk post-surgery, it’s advisable to consume anti-inflammatory foods. It is best to avoid foods with high salt content. Here we have mentioned this article. What type of diet plan is followed after liposuction? One should remember that consuming the wrong foods would result in weight gain immediately.

Q10. How Long After Liposuction Procedure Can I Resume Exercise?

Ans: Moderate activity, such as walking, is acceptable. One should stay within 25% of the typical workout routine. As you heal, increase your workout percentage. Returning to your regular workout routine might take a few days to a few weeks. It will vary according to the treatment region and your healing rate.

Q11. What Not To Do After Liposuction?

Ans: Post liposuction surgery, one needs to keep these restrictions in mind:

  • Avoid exercising, especially lifting weights
  • Avoid Alcohol. It’s best to stay away from alcohol for at least a week
  • Avoid bulking up by eating more
  • Avoid foods that contain high sodium and focus on fruits and vegetables

Q12. How painful is liposuction recovery?

Ans: Pain is the most intense two to four days after the procedure. Tenderness and soreness are typical but will eventually fade. You will be given a compression garment to reduce swelling, support, and relieve pain in the liposuction area. The compression dressings should not be tight enough to reduce blood flow.

Q13. When can I sleep on my side after Liposuction?

Ans: Sleeping on your side depends on where the incisions occur. If the fat has been removed from the buttocks, back, and abdomen, sleeping using your sides causes no harm. Yet, avoiding such a sleeping position is best if the operation is on the belly. In such circumstances, lying on your back for three weeks is most suitable.

Q14. Do you need drains after lipo?

Ans: Drains must be placed where incisions have been carried out. The purpose is to avoid swelling in such areas and help the Surgeon observe internal bleeding if it occurs. In addition, tubes need to be in place for at least 48 hours.

Q15. Can you sit after Liposuction?

Ans: It is impossible to avoid sitting after the operation, but you can do it with a few conditions applied. First, you should not sit for more than ten minutes at a stretch; maintain this for at least six weeks. It is also best to sit when you feel light-headed.

Q16. How long after Lipo Can I Take a shower?

Ans: Generally, it is best to avoid having a bath for at least two weeks post-surgery. If your Doctor permits, you can take a shower even after 24 hours. However, observe the following cautions for best results: 

  • Pat ‘dry’ the area of the incisions 
  • Do not remove garments completely
  • Shower in lukewarm water

Q17. Is getting Liposuction worth it?

Ans: It’s only a personal decision of anyone who wants to undergo Liposuction. Of course, it is ideal for you to be fit such that the Surgeon can clearly tag you as fit for the procedure. However, it would help if you also weighed the risks as recovery post-surgery takes time. It would be best if you obeyed all the advice rendered by your Surgeon.

18. What helps with swelling after lipo?

Ans: Reducing swelling is advisable after a Liposuction. Follow the steps found below:

  • Avoid the sun as much as possible
  • Avoid hot tub baths
  • Avoid steam rooms

Instead, apply the ice pack to areas swollen or cold compress. Apart from these cold treatments, wear a compression garment consistently to prevent fluid build-up.

Q19. How vital is a massage after Liposuction?

Ans: One cannot lay more importance on massage procedures post-Liposuction. It helps to:

  • Decrease the swelling
  • Bring down bruises
  • Minimizes scars

Three or more massages throughout the week are most helpful. The best is lymphatic massage which quickens recovery time. There are various massages with differences in intensity. For example, high intensity requires daily massages.

Q20. Can you share some tips for fast recovery after Vaser liposuction?

Ans: Follow the advice mentioned below for fast recovery post-Vaser liposuction

  • Following your Doctor’s advice 
  • Adopt the best healthy diet 
  • Consistently wearing Compression Garments
  • Say ‘no’ to Alcohol and cigarettes
  • Self-examine for infections
  • Gradual increase in walking 
  • Avoid lifting weights in the gym 
  • Stay patient


  • Liposuction. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Accessed Jan. 3, 2019. (Link)
  • Kenkel JM, Lipschitz AH, Luby M, Kallmeyer I, Sorokin E, Appelt E, et al. Hemodynamic physiology and thermoregulation in liposuction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004;114:503–13. (Link)
  • Flynn TC, Coleman WP, 2nd, Field LM, Klein JA, Hanke CW. History of liposuction. Dermatol Surg. 2000;26:515–20. (Link)
  • Fournier PF, Otteni FM. Lipodissection in body sculpturing: The dry procedure. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1983;72:598–609. (Link)
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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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