Aging is one of the most important characteristics in the life of a human being. People need to take aging as a fact and age gracefully rather than taking it as a burden.

Learn the secret to see Young by Dr.Sandeep Bhasin’s Anti Aging Treatment


Aging is one of the most important characteristics in the life of a human being. People need to take aging as a fact and age gracefully rather than taking it as a burden. There are various individuals who tend to get discouraged as they grow old; this is due to the fact that every part of your body shows signs of aging as you grow old. A healthy way of growing old can be defined as living the later part of your life without disabilities or diseases. It also means being active as we grow older. The part of the body that shows prominent signs of aging would be your skin. It shows!

As people grow old, their skin starts sagging and wrinkling. How can that be prevented? It has been seen that, people who are 70 look as young as 40, and conversely people who are 40 looks as if they are 70. So, we need to see, what things can be done to prevent this aging. So, how do we look young as we grow old?

So, what is the meaning of your skin?

  • It can be defined as a permeable, yet protective barrier for the human body
  • It is the largest organ in the body
  • Serves as a source for sensory simulation

The three layers of the skin can be listed as follows –

  • Epidermis
  • Dermis
  • Subcutaneous fat

Epidermis – The Epidermis itself comprises various layers viz

Stratum Corneum is called the outermost layer and consists of various layers viz. 15 – 40

The next layer would be the Granular Layer

Following the Granular Layer, the epidermis consists of the Spinous layer “the matrix”, which consists of

  • Melanocytes – a pigment that creates melanin
  • Langerhan’s immune cells
  • Merkel’s sensory stimulation cells

The last layer would be – the basal layer- the cells in the basal layer divide perpetually to create new cells in about 30 days

The Dermis can be classified into –

Papillary layer

– contains collagen

Reticular layer

– the presence of thick collagen arranged in parallel, elastin fibers, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, and blood vessels
The Free Radical Theory proposed by Denham Harman in 1956, states that free radicals were the cause of aging. These free radicals occur naturally in the body and cause serious damage to the DNA and RNA that leads to decreased cell function and causing diseases as well.

Other factors, also called External or Extrinsic factors that lead to aging can be listed –

  • Photodamage – constitutes 80% of the skin damage
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Pollution
  • Consumption of Excess Alcohol

The signs of aging begin at the age of 30 with changes in texture that cause

  • Fine lines and Wrinkles due to reduced cellular regeneration or turnover
  • Reduction in the production of collagen by 1% year after year after the age of 30
  • Reduced elasticity through a reduction in elastic fibers
  • Reduction in the number of hair follicles, sweat ducts, and sebaceous glands
  • Diminished water retaining capability

The signs of Photo aging include –

  • Changes in texture – dry and enlarged pores, wrinkled skin
  • Pigmentation – evident sun spots, Melasma, and freckles
  • Vascular changes – the presence of spider veins, red spots, and rosacea

The skin also undergoes degenerative changes like –

  • Seborrheic Keratosis, skin tags, and moles that are benign
  • Actinic Keratosis is precancerous
  • Melanoma, basal cell, and squamous cell that is Cancerous
  • It has been observed that a time duration of 20 minutes of sun exposure is quite harmful and can cause damage to the skin
  • People who get sunburned or sun-tanned show signs of wrinkles and skin thinning
  • Sun exposure is one of the most fatal sources to cause skin cancer, skin blisters due to sunburns can double the risk of skin cancer

The treatments & measures for Photo aging can be listed as –

  • High intake of fruits and vegetables
  • A fair amount of hydration to keep the skin hydrated and fresh
  • A healthy skincare regime
  • No smoking
  • Taking rejuvenation procedures
  • Protection or Prevention

Eating and drinking right makes all the difference – Here’s how!!

  • Consume at least 64 oz of water to keep your skin hydrated
  • Take at least 6 servings of fruits and vegetables
  • Consume fresh fish that contains omega-3 fatty acids
  • Curb caffeine intake to 2 servings or less

As you grow older, you need a regime for good skin care, that includes –

  • pH-balanced soaps or body wash to cleanse your skin
  • Skin exfoliation –
  • chemical exfoliation with the help of Glycolic or Salicylic Acid, chemical peels, and Retinoids
  • physical exfoliation with fine granular scrubs and microdermabrasion
  • Hydration with topical and oral products
  • UVA/UVB Sunscreen and topical antioxidants to protect your skin
  • Skin rejuvenation with retinoids, and other rejuvenation procedures

The Microdermabrasion procedure is a non-surgical procedure, and it is one of the most common procedures in the United States, wherein the skin is removed through a mechanical procedure.

A sandblasting technique is used to remove 1-2 dead layers of the skin. This procedure has no downtime and also works well with chemical peels.

When it comes to skin hydration, individuals can use various techniques to keep the skin fresh and hydrated –

Drink 64 oz of water on a daily basis
Application of topical moisturizers like barriers, emollients, and humectants

  • Barriers can be listed as – Petroleum, Lanolin, Paraffin, and Beeswax
  • Emollients can be listed as – Petroleum
  • Humectants can be listed as – Glycerin, Urea, Hyaluronic Acid, Glycolic and Lactic Acid

There are two kinds of Ultraviolet rays – UVA and UVB

  • The UVA has the potential and power to penetrate much deeper into the skin, right till the Hypodermis, and it causes more damage than UVB.
  • Individuals can use a Topical antioxidant called Idebenone that protects the skin from the rays of the sun, pollution, smoke, and 965 ozone
  • It should be used twice on a daily basis through titration

For UVB protection, it is advisable for people to use SPF or Sun Protection Factor SPF 15, SPF 30, SPF 50, and SPF 70 which can block more than 95% of the UVB rays for 2 hours.

UVA is measured by PFA or protection factor that is present from sunrise to sunset, it is even present on cloudy days, in winter, and has the ability to pass through windows and deep into the skin. This causes 80% of the skin damage.

To protect yourself from UVA and UVB, there are some preparations like Titanium oxide, zinc oxide, blue lizard SPF 30+, Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch SPF 55, Lancome UV expert 20, La Roche, and Umbrella Sunscreen lotion.
Retinoids stimulate the production of collagen which decreases cell damage from sun exposure and increases skin cell turnover. It also helps prevent skin cancer through-

  • Tretinoin
  • Terazatane
  • Differin

A chemical peel can also be defined as the exfoliation of the damaged layers of the skin with a chemical solution or chemical peel. This creates new skin cells and skin tones.

The benefits of skin peels can be listed as follows –

  • Stimulates the production of collagen that reduced skin wrinkles
  • Removes skin pigmentation caused by acne, sun damage, and Melasma
  • Treats the skin of precancerous changes
  • Improves the texture and pore size of the skin

The different types of Peels can be classified from the depth of the peels –

  • Superficial peels are light acid peels that work on the epidermis
  • Medium peels are Jessner’s Peels or Light TCA that work on the Dermis layer of the skin and
  • Deep peels that work on the deeper side of the Dermis like Strong TCA and Phenol peel

Glycolic acid is used by various individuals as –

  • Promotes skin exfoliation
  • Enhances the density of collagen in the body
  • Works as a moisturizer
  • It is applicable to all skin types

The use of Botox injections or Botulinum toxin A prevents skin aging by temporarily blocking the nerve signals, and it has a lasting effect for about 3 months. It has been used for cosmetic purposes since 1981.

Fillers are used to filling the volume deficiency in the skin. Various Facial Fillers like –

  • Collagen – Cosmoderm and Cosmoplast are used regularly without any skin testing
  • Bovine – rarely used due to skin testing
  • Hyaluronic Acid – Restylane, Hylaform, and Juvederm
  • Radiesse is an injectable facial contouring agent whilst Sculptra acts as a volumizing agent

Hyaluronic acids are hydrophilic in nature and are perfect for deeper lines and wrinkles. The effects of Hyaluronic acid last for 6 – 9 months.

IPL Photo-facial or Intense Pulse Light

IPL or Intense Pulse Light uses light of various wavelengths that penetrate various layers in the skin for treating different skin conditions. It lightens age spots, reduced redness, & evens skin tones with minimal downtime.

It also stimulates the production of collagen and is an excellent treatment for Rosacea. IPL integrated with Levulan Therapy provides a better treatment and rejuvenation approach to the epidermis. It is very effective in the treatment of photoaging, precancerous lesions, hyperpigmentation, acne, and Rosacea.
Another treatment or technique that can be used for skin rejuvenation is Laser Hair Removal. This treatment is

  • Fast
  • Permanent
  • Convenient

Non-Ablative Skin Resurfacing

Non-Ablative Skin Resurfacing can be used with LUX 1540 and Fractional Lasers to –

  • Produce Microthermal treatment zones
  • Improve skin texture
  • Remove acne scarring
  • Reduce crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Remove discolorations

So, we can see that there are so many treatments for skin aging like Non-Ablative Tissue Tightening that uses subcutaneous heating to treat the surface of the skin through infrared and radiofrequency heating.

Closing Lines

From this comprehensive article, we do see that aging can be done gracefully, and if you are facing skin problems, you can take the above-mentioned preventive measures, medicines, or treatments to cure your skin problems.

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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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