Get a youthful appearance with Autologous Fat Transfer

Fat Grafting/Autologous Fat Transfer in Delhi

Fat Grafting/Fat Transfer also known as fat injections is an autologous fat, which is extracted from the patient’s body & is injected back into the required area after refining the fat. We offer Face, Buttocks, Hands & Breast Augmentation Fat Injections, or Fat Grafting in Delhi at the best cost with outstanding & long-lasting rejuvenating results.

Care Well Medical Centre offers fat grafting treatment in Delhi to help patients achieve a natural-looking, youthful appearance. Fat grafting is a procedure that uses a patient’s own fat to restore volume and contour to areas of the face and body that have lost volume due to aging or other factors.

At Care Well Medical Centre, our experienced and skilled plastic surgeons use advanced techniques to perform fat grafting with minimal discomfort and downtime. The procedure involves harvesting fat from one part of the body, purifying it, and then re-injecting it into the desired area.

Our goal is to provide our patients with natural-looking, long-lasting results that enhance their confidence and quality of life. We offer personalized consultation and treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals.

Our friendly staff and state-of-the-art facilities ensure that our patients receive the highest level of care and comfort. If you are looking for a safe and effective fat grafting treatment in Delhi, contact Care Well Medical Centre to schedule a consultation with our experienced plastic surgeons.

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    Fat grafting, also termed autologous fat transfer or fat injection, is an emerging technique for breast reconstruction. It is as well used as a rectification for facial aging or mends areas of the body that lack volume, such as the face, hands, or buttocks. Fat grafting is an invasive procedure. The procedure of fat grafting is performed by removing the fat tissue from other parts of the body – generally the belly, thighs, and buttocks — by way of liposuction. The extracted fat tissue is then processed into liquid and injected into the breast area to reconstruct the breast or any other area of the body, where the surgeon needs to add volume.

    Another Form of Fat Transfer

    Another type of fat grafting is called lipofilling. The process has been in use for the past many years in order to fix minor differences in the shape, position, and balance of the recreated breast or if there are any deviations in comparison to the other breast. Since the procedure has worked well through the years, doctors perceived they might be able to reconstruct or reshape a whole breast using fat.

    Efficacy and Safety of Fat Grafting

    It can be tempting to visualize fat grafting as a “safer” procedure, given that it doesn’t involve any major surgery. However, the success of fat grafting over the long term typically relies on the efficient performance of the doctor. Since fat grafting is relatively new, it requires great precision and skills on the part of the surgeon performing it. It’s also crucial to note that in many cases, the fat grafted into the breast area may be reabsorbed by the body over a period of time, and eventually the breast may lose some volume.

    This is why some proficient plastic surgeons may add more fat initially than they think you would require. That being said, if performed well, fat grafting is safe, long-lasting, and well-bearing. The average follow-up time is approximately 4 years and it produces highly natural-looking results. Most people who have undergone fat grafting at Care Well Medical Centre have experienced, successful fat grafting and are delighted with the results.

    When to Consider Fat Transfer?

    • If you have a beast that lacks volume or is out of shape, you can consider breast augmentation via fat grafting. It gives the required shape, volume, and lift to the breast.
    • For use in breast reconstruction, to fill in contour deformity.
    • To hide evident signs of breast implants.
    • Having facial areas that look, droopy, creased, and sunken
    • If you desire a permanent fix than is provided by temporary fillers

    If you seek to enhance your body contour, minimize scarring, fill body depressions, and revitalize your face and hands.

    Advantages of Fat Grafting

    The major benefits of getting done fat grafting are:

    • The strong safety profile in a way that it uses your own tissue rather than an implant
    • Fat is eliminated from an area of the body where it is unwanted
    • Sunken and loosen body areas are efficiently filled with your own fat tissues
    • As opposed to fillers, replaces “like with like,”
    • Minimize the likeliness of allergic reactions to foreign materials
    • Fat grafting is non-invasive for achieving facial rejuvenation
    • Natural results that are safe and long-lasting

    Disadvantages of Fat Grafting

    • Little time taking procedure since it requires preparing fat tissue before transferring it, as opposed to dermal fillers, which are pre-packaged.
    • For breast or buttock augmentation, you may need multiple sessions if the area is highly depressed or to achieve your desired breast or buttock size.

    The key is to weigh the pros n cons when considering fat graft, particularly if you seek to focus on what is unique to you. For the best consultation before making a plunge into the procedure, consult a qualified aesthetic plastic surgeon.

    Who is an Ideal Candidate for Breast Augmentation or Facial Rejuvenation through a Fat Transfer?

    The purpose of fat transfer is to augment or fill in volume to the depressed/deficient bodily areas. Usually grafted, or injected, areas include the breast and buttock (for augmentation), face (for scars and indents), lips), the hands, and deficient in the skin (following scarring or liposuction). Moreover, undeniably you should have donor sites from which fat can be extracted. Also, it is crucial that you do not have any circulation issues, either from smoking or a medical condition.

    Major Augmentations Possible with Fat Grafting

    The purpose of fat transfer is to augment or fill in volume to the depressed/deficient bodily areas. Usually grafted, or injected, areas include the breast and buttock (for augmentation), face (for scars and indents), lips), the hands, and deficient in the skin (following scarring or liposuction). Moreover, undeniably you should have donor sites from which fat can be extracted. Also, it is crucial that you do not have any circulation issues, either from smoking or a medical condition.

    New age, the clinical procedure of fat transfer is not only restricted to correcting certain areas of the body like the breast or buttocks but is much more than that. It includes various successful augmentations and fixations of the body areas which are as follows.

    1. Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer – If you wish to have a modest yet impressive increase in breast size, fat grafting to the breast can be your way out. You make for a good candidate for breast enhancement by fat transfer if your breasts are already in decent shape and have a good skin tone. If you have drooping breasts, poor skin texture, or desire a sizeable increase in breast size, breast augmentation with fat grafting might not be for you. The major issue with only using fat for breast augmentation lies in obtaining large volumes of fat for a foreseeable “take.”
    2. Breast Implants Combined With Fat Grafting – In cases where breast shape requires optimizing during a breast implant procedure, fat transfer can be quite useful. If you are going through residual breast deformities after undergoing breast enhancement with implants, the deformity can be significantly filled in with fat in order to create an optimal shape and a fine contour.
    3. Breast Recreation With Fat Grafting – Breast reconstruction using fat transfer is an ideal procedure for those with breast irregularities following a lumpectomy for breast cancer. Fat grafted or injected is an effective technique for filling in such irregularities. Fat grafting is also a good option for complete breast recreation following mastectomy. However, in order to achieve enough breast volume, this is generally a multistage process that would need a minimum of 2-4 sequential fat grafting treatments.
    4. Buttock Augmentation using Fat Grafting – Almost any of us would desire a curvaceous body and that is certainly achieved with toned, rounded butts. Those who wish to have a fuller, rounder, and firm buttock can opt for a “Brazilian butt lift,” which uses fat grafting to render a more curvaceous buttock. What’s amazing is that buttock augmentation with fat transfer does not require the use of an implant. It is important to know that surgical Liposuction is typically used to sculpt the area surrounding the butt as well as gather the autologous fat to be injected.
    5. Facial Rejuvenation with Fat Graft – Many people these days are encountering facial creases even before attaining a certain age. Causes can be any from stress to pollution to an imbalanced lifestyle. That said, if you have facial creases, such as smile lines, laugh lines, and crow’s-feet, they can be fixed with fat transfer. Fat is taken off your thighs, abdomen, or other areas and injected into the area of irregularity in your face. Fortunately, people facing the issues of acne scars, sunken cheeks or under eyes, and lips, can be relieved as it can also be filled in through the fat transfer method. The grafted fat can even be used to significantly reduce lines between your nose and mouth, correct skin indentations, and reduce forehead wrinkles.
    6. Hand Rejuvenation with Fat Transfer – Fat transfer into hands is an effective method for adding volume, “plumping up” and smoothing the creased areas, while also covering underlying tendons and vessels. Fat grafting also aids in improving the quality of your skin over time. If you are healthy generally and have an optimistic outlook and realistic expectations, you are likely an ideal candidate for this procedure.

    How the Procedure of Fat Grafting is Performed?

    Also known as fat transfer, the procedure is carried out by harvesting the fat from one part of your body, cleaned, purified, processing, and then cautiously re-injected into the areas of augmentation using specially designed needles. Your plastic surgeon may require repeating the fat transfer procedure several times to obtain the desired result. Thus we can call fat grafting a 3-stage process that includes:

    1. The procedure of Harvesting: Your surgeon with your consent will select a donor site for fat extraction and will inject it with a local anesthetic. For this purpose, the surgeon will then make a small incision (cut) in the area for fat removal. Then, using a sterile method will insert a cannula linked to a syringe to cautiously remove fat (liposuction).
    2. The procedure of Purification and Transfer: Once sufficient fat is garnered from your donor site, your doctor will process it to prepare the fat cells for transfer to syringes (small) that will be utilized for fat injection. Purification may also necessitate the use of a centrifuge for the purpose of spinning the fat or a filtration process to eliminate any impurities prior to injection, just as it’s done in the PRP procedure.
    3. The procedure of Placement: The bodily area assigned to receive the graft will then be prepared by your surgeon and staff. They will insert a needle or cannula into the point of incision at the site to be augmented.

    The injection needle is generally made to pass in and out of the areas to be enhanced several times. Each time the cannula or needle is withdrawn, a dash of fatty tissue wraps is cautiously collected in natural tissue planes. This process is repeated until the wishful fixation has been achieved, forming a grid of grafted fat. You might also be advised to get the grafted areas massaged in order to get a satisfactory contour. While some surgeons rely on the placement method in order to develop an appropriate contour. A bandage or dressing will then be placed over the grafted area.

    What are the Various Options of Collecting Fat for Fat transfer?

    Your plastic surgeon may use your own extra body fat to alter your body contour, correct scarring, and revise depressions developed by liposuction or cancer surgery. The most common sites for collecting fat include the thighs, abdomen, posterior arms and flanks (love handles or side stomach bulge), and hips.

    Risks Associated with Fat Grafting

    Fortunately, the adverse effects of fat grafting are infrequent. Some women who have undergone fat grafting reported that their fat-graft-recreated breast initially has some sensation and feels soft, much similar to the other unreconstructed breast.

    Other complications that might occur:

    • Hematoma or seroma (collection of blood or fluid beneath the skin that may require removal)
    • Bleeding at the site
    • Hematoma ( collection of blood that looks like bruising)
    • Formation of blood clots
    • Scarring
    • Adverse anesthesia risks
    • Likeliness of infection
    • Less sensation in the nipples
    • Disproportionate bodily appearance as an outcome
    • Deep vein thrombosis
    • Ongoing pain, infection, or allergic reactions
    • Damage to underlying tissue or structures
    • An unsatisfactory outcome that may necessitate additional procedures

    However, one can dwindle down the possibility of certain complications by following the advice of their surgeon, both before and after your fat transfer.

    Considerations Before Getting a Fat transfer

    A. Will, I have scars, post-fat grafting?

    There are 2 kinds of scar-like marks that are left behind on the patient’s skin after liposuction. One is what we call a true scar, and the other is called dyschromia, a light (hypopigmented) or dark (hyperpigmented) spot on the skin.

    B. What will my scars be like?

    Your only fat transfer incisions and scars may outcome in an action of liposuction, which is used to eliminate fat from the donor site. Since incisions made in liposuction are small, the scars are small too, and often placed in hidden areas. However, remember that at times, depending on the location of fat accumulations on your body, the incisions cannot be hidden. Moreover, the degree and amount of scarring depend on your surgeon’s skillfulness, technique, and genetic tendencies. Most liposuction scars grow faint and are scarcely detectable over time. Visible scars have a great possibility of visibility in cases of patients having darkly pigmented skin or where large liposuction cannulas are used.

    C. How do I select a surgeon for the best consultation and treatment?

    Selecting a surgeon calls for even more responsibility than taking the decision of having surgery done. Your surgeon must fulfill the following criteria:

    • Medically approved certification, education, and training
    • Enough experience with fat grafting and fat transfer incisions
    • Have a good point of reference
    • Not reluctant to show the testimony of patients as well as before and after photos
    • Shares a level of comfort and belongingness
    • Understands your goals and make you well aware of what fat grafting can do for you
    • Is transparent about your individualized complications, expectations, and outcomes

    D. What happens at the initial consultation appointment?

    Your doctor may ask the following questions to decide your treatment plan:

    • Do you have any medical conditions? If yes, are you presently taking treatment for any medical conditions?
    • Do you have any drug allergies?
    • Have you undergone any surgeries previously?
    • What is your history with any non-invasive cosmetic surgery if any?
    • Are you currently on any medications, supplements, or vitamins?
    • What is your current consumption of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and any other recreational drugs?
    • What is your main motivator to have a fat transfer?
    • What outcome do you expect from the fat grafting procedure?

    E. What evaluations are made in a consultation?

    • Your doctor may ask you to look into the mirror and highlight the exact area you would like to get corrected
    • Take your photos for a medical record, measure your face, and use computer imaging techniques to show you the enhancements you can expect.
    • Assess your health status, including pre-existing health conditions or complications.

    Checklist to Prepare for the Fat Transfer Surgery

    You will be given preoperative instructions by your surgeon. Your physical fitness, mental preparedness will be assessed to identify your fitness for this procedure.

    • Your pre-procedure photos will be taken in the treatment room
    • Hydration will be given to the skin pre-procedure for better outcomes and safe recovery, regardless of the type of surgery you are provided
    • You will be asked to stop smoking at least 6 weeks before the fat grafting procedure to prevent poor wound healing and scarring.
    • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, vitamins, homeopathic regimens that can instigate bleeding.
    • Arrange for a mate to drive you home and stay with you for a minimum of one day.

    Expect on the Day of Fat Transfer

    • Depending upon the surgeon you chose, your fat transfer procedure may be conducted in a licensed hospital/clinic, a freestanding, private ambulatory facility, or an office-setting surgical suite.
    • The duration of the surgery will depend on the number of liposuction sites and the amount of fat to be removed and. For example, you will require much less fat for facial correction than to enhance your breasts or buttocks.
    • General or local anesthesia will be administered. Intravenous sedation is also given to patients undergoing fat transfer.
    • Several scanners are used to monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood. This is done to ensure the utmost safety during the operation.
    • The surgical plan discussed will be followed.
    • After the procedure is completed, you will be moved to a recovery area, where the doctor will continue to closely monitor you.
    • You will be wearing a compression garment at your liposuction site which aids the skin to “shrink” sufficiently. You might feel soreness at the liposuction site; especially if you underwent a vigorous workout previously.

    After a brief observation, you will be permitted to go home unless you and your surgeon have any plans for immediate post-op recovery.

    Aftercare and Recovery after Fat Transfer Procedure

    Post-operation, you and your caregiver will get detailed guidelines about your after-surgical care, including details about:

    • Swelling, bruising & inconvenience will subside in the initial 1-2 days.
    • You can begin your normal routine tasks, subsequent to the day after surgery
    • You can go for a walk, but do not jog or do a brisk walk in the initial 2 weeks
    • If you are on a desk job, you can resume working 3 days after the surgery.
    • Avoid weight lifting, exhaustive exercises, sudden movements, etc., for about a month
    • Use compression undergarments for at least a month post-op surgery to maintain the contours accomplished immediately post the procedure.
    • Swelling, bruising, and discomfort will go away in a month and you will feel “back to normal”.
    • You can start all sorts of physical activities in 6-8 weeks, but make sure to first consult your surgeon.
    • Do not exert physical pressure until a month

    Fat Grafting Video

    Results of Fat Transfer

    Wondering how long fat transfer results last? Fortunately, you can expect almost permanent results with fat grafting if performed adroitly. You can expect your treated area to appear fuller and softer, giving you a rejuvenated look. The survival of the injected fat and longevity of outcomes typically depends on the surgeon’s skills, how the fat was collected, processed, and purified, and how and where it was grafted.

    A micro-fat grafting procedure is an ideal way to make sure that the largest percentage of grafted fat will take. When performed successfully, the injected fat launches a new and fresh blood supply that allows your body to acquire the nourishment it requires for survival. When this takes place, the results are often permanent. Touch-up procedures are sometimes necessary for a percentage of fat that does not take.

    Fat Grafting Before and After Results

    face fat grafting before and after photo
    face fat grafting before and after photo

    See More Results

    Fat Grafting Treatment FAQs

    • Can my doctor take fat from my stomach to place in my breast?
    • How much fat can be extracted from the stomach for augmentation of breasts or buttocks?
    • How the stomach fat will be grafted for augmentation of breasts or buttocks?
    • Can I get abdominal fat grafted in breast after pregnancy? Is breast augmentation safe after breast feeding?
    • How much increase can I expect from breast enhancement?
    • How long does fat grafting last?
    • How painful is a fat transfer?
    • What are the risks of fat grafting to face?
    • What is the difference between fat transfer and fat grafting?
    • Does fat grafting look natural?
    • What are the risks of fat grafting to face?
    • What are the benefits of fat grafting?
    • What is the difference between fat grafting and liposuction?
    • Do fat grafts work?
    • How much does fat grafting cost in Delhi NCR?
    • How do breasts feel after fat transfer?
    • How many cup sizes can you go up with fat transfer?
    • Does fat transfer last in breasts?
    • When can I wear a bra after fat transfer?
    • How do you sleep after fat transfer to the breast?
    • What should I avoid after fat transfer to the breast?
    • What is the success rate of breast fat grafting?
    • How much does breast fat transfer cost in Delhi NCR?
    • Does fat grafting improve skin?
    • Who is a good candidate for facial fat grafting?
    • Does fat grafting make you look younger?
    • Does fat grafting leave scars?
    • Is Care Well Medical Centre a good clinic for Fat Grafting Surgery in Delhi?
    • Why is Care Well Medical Centre the best clinic for fat Grafting surgery in Delhi NCR?
    Can my doctor take fat from my stomach to place in my breast?

    Of course, fat from your stomach can be effectively placed in the breast. Breast reconstruction through the stomach is an acceptable procedure.

    How much fat can be extracted from the stomach for augmentation of breasts or buttocks?

    Your body mass, height, and weight actually decide your criteria for taking fat from the stomach for augmentation. Suppose that your height is 5 feet 9 inches and your weight is over 90 kg. This description perfects you for fat grafting from the stomach. It always works excellently when someone has in possession a little extra “reserve.”

    That being said, your surgeon would require you to assess physically to evaluate the tone and elasticity of the skin of your abdomen and the amount of fat inside your abdomen (which cannot be removed), and the amount of fat that can be removed without causing the stomach skin to loosen.

    The next consideration to extract stomach fat would be to assess the tone and skin envelope of the breast. It is done because just infusing fat into almost “empty” breasts will not render the desirable results.

    Buttocks are a bit compassionate in this area and you can anticipate good buttock enhancement with the stomach-injected fat. However, to achieve desirable and stable results, most patients will require more than one fat grafting session in order to have the injected fat survive long.

    How the stomach fat will be grafted for augmentation of breasts or buttocks?

    By way of standard liposuction, your surgeon will make use of small caliber cannulas and a suction machine on a low setting. This will help retrieve enough fat from the stomach that the surgeon would require to process for grafting with the “Revolve” system.

    The small microcannulas will then be used to thread the fat into the underside of the breasts and on the buttocks.

    Can I get abdominal fat grafted in breast after pregnancy? Is breast augmentation safe after breast feeding?

    You have babies, but you still have tiny breasts is no more an issue to worry about. It is completely possible to have fat harvested from your tummy to increase your breast size while taking note of certain considerations.

    Using one’s own fat has become overtly favorable and acceptable for breast augmentation. Not to your surprise, but the abdomen is an excellent donor site for transferring fat, having a clear benefit of simultaneously getting rid of unwanted fat.

    On the other hand, the grafted fat is usually placed around the actual breast tissue, and not in the gland itself, so it is highly unlikely to have an impact on later breastfeeding.

    This is also to say that breast enhancement with fat grafting technique is safe for breastfeeding if you also happen to conceive after a few years.

    How much increase can I expect from breast enhancement?

    You can expect an increase of 1/2 to 1 cup size of your breast per set.

    How long does fat grafting last?

    The longevity of fat graft results can vary and depends on several factors. These include the individual’s lifestyle, age, and the area treated. On average, results can last from several months to several years. But long-term effects depend on maintaining a stable weight and general health.

    How painful is a fat transfer?

    Fat transfer procedures can cause some discomfort and pain. Some people may experience mild discomfort, while others may experience significant pain. Local anesthesia with sedation is usually used during the procedure to minimize pain. After the process, pain medication helps to manage any discomfort.

    What are the risks of fat grafting to face?

    Facial fat grafting has potential risks and complications. It can cause swelling and bruises for a couple of weeks. There can also be temporary pain and numbness. Sometimes, fat transfer results can be uneven. Additional procedures may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

    What is the difference between fat transfer and fat grafting?

    Fat transfer and fat grafting refer to the same procedure. Fat transfer is the process of removing fat from a specific part of the body. After which processing and injecting happen into another area. This helps to add volume or restore contour. Fat grafting is a more common term used in plastic surgery to describe this procedure.

    Does fat grafting look natural?

    A fat graft can provide a natural-looking result when performed using appropriate techniques. The grafted fat is often taken from the body of the patient. This minimizes the risk of rejection and helps ensure that the results look natural. The outcome depends on the amount and quality of fat transferred.

    What are the risks of fat grafting to face?

    The possible risks to facial fat grafting can be infection, bleeding, or swelling. The procedure can also cause bruising, scarring, and sometimes unsatisfactory aesthetic results. Numbness or tingling in the treated area can happen after the treatment. Fat reabsorption and volume loss over time can also occur after a fat grafting procedure.

    What are the benefits of fat grafting?

    The most common benefit of fat injections is that they give you a natural look for a more extended period. The healing time is minimal compared to traditional surgical procedures. They use local anesthesia that reduces risk. It is possible to combine it with other cosmetic procedures to enhance results.

    What is the difference between fat grafting and liposuction?

    Liposuction is a procedure of fat removal from the body using suction. Most often used on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, and upper arms. Fat grafting simply means removing fat from one part of the body and transplanting it to another. Fat graft is helpful for facial rejuvenation. Breast augmentation and correction of asymmetries in the body also use fat grafting.

    Do fat grafts work?

    In general, fat grafting has a high rate of survival. Some studies report survival rates of 50-80% in the long term. However, the amount of fat that survives can vary, and some reabsorption is normal. Some patients may need many fat transfer sessions to achieve their desired result. Keep realistic expectations and choose a qualified plastic surgeon.

    How much does fat grafting cost in Delhi NCR?

    On average, the cost of fat grafting in Delhi NCR can range from INR 1,50,000 to INR 3,00,000 or more. The price of a fat graft can vary depending on factors like the surgeon’s experience and the type of procedure. The extent of the treatment and the clinic’s location also impact the cost.

    How do breasts feel after fat transfer?

    Breasts may feel swollen, tender, or sore after fat transfer surgery. After the transfer to the breast, they feel soft and natural. Oil cysts can cause temporary little bumps that are easily removed with a needle. The procedure causes temporary discomfort in the breast tissue, which subsides over time.

    How many cup sizes can you go up with fat transfer?

    On average, a breast fat transfer patient can expect a modest increase of one cup size. However, some patients may experience a more significant increase and others a smaller one. Set realistic expectations and discuss your goals and desired outcome with your surgeon.

    Does fat transfer last in breasts?

    The longevity of fat transfer results in the breasts can vary. On average, around 50-60% of the transplanted fat will persist in the long term. The duration of effects depends on factors like the amount of fat transferred and the patient’s BMI. Maintaining a stable weight and doing light activities help to prolong the results.

    When can I wear a bra after fat transfer?

    The timing for wearing a bra after fat transfer surgery can depend on your recovery process. You can wear a supportive surgical bra for the first few weeks following the procedure. Later, your surgeon can recommend you transition to a sports bra or a soft, non-underwire bra.

    How do you sleep after fat transfer to the breast?

    Sleeping on your back can help to reduce pressure on the breasts after fat transfer. This will help to prevent any irritation or discomfort to the incision site. Placing pillows under your arms or around your chest can also help reduce pressure on the breasts. Wearing a supportive surgical can help provide comfort during sleep.

    What should I avoid after fat transfer to the breast?

    Avoid heavy lifting or physical activity for several weeks after the fat graft. Avoid smoking for at least two weeks before and after the procedure. Avoid direct sun exposure or use sunblock and cover the incision site with clothing. Also, do not touch the area, and avoid sleeping on your stomach.

    What is the success rate of breast fat grafting?

    On average, the procedure has a high satisfaction rate of 50 to 90 per cent. Patients most times report a natural-looking increase in breast volume and improved shape. However, like other surgeries, it also runs the risk of complications. Not all patients may achieve their desired results after breast fat grafting.

    How much does breast fat transfer cost in Delhi NCR?

    On average, the cost of breast fat transfer can range from INR 1,00,000 to INR 3,00,000 or more in Delhi NCR. Remember that breast fat transfer is not covered by medical insurance. But some financing options may be available.

    Does fat grafting improve skin?

    A fat graft can positively impact skin quality in some cases. The fat cells transferred during the procedure can help improve the skin’s texture. Fat is rich in stem cells and growth factors. This can promote skin rejuvenation and improve skin elasticity.

    Who is a good candidate for facial fat grafting?

    Good candidates for facial fat grafting are the ones in good health. They are non-smokers and have a stable weight. This procedure can be suitable for individuals who have lost facial volume. It can be due to aging, genetics, or other factors. Fat grafting is ideal for someone who wants a more natural-looking face restoring a youthful appearance.

    Does fat grafting make you look younger?

    Facial fat grafting can positively impact appearance and help make a person look younger. It helps to restore volume to areas of the face that have become sunken or hollow due to aging. This can help smooth wrinkles, improve skin quality, and restore a youthful appearance.

    Does fat grafting leave scars?

    The scars from fat injections are minimal and will fade over time. However, the visibility of the scars depends on the skin type, health, and the healing process. Some individuals may tend to develop keloid scars. These are thicker than normal scars; discuss these with your surgeon before the procedure.

    Is Care Well Medical Centre a good clinic for Fat Grafting Surgery in Delhi?

    Care Well Medical Centre is a good clinic for fat grafting surgery in Delhi. It features learned and trained doctors who provide quality treatment and impressive results. The practitioners, nursing staff, and other clinic members follow a customer-centric approach to their day-to-day conduct. The prices offered are reasonable and competitive as well.

    Why is Care Well Medical Centre the best clinic for fat Grafting surgery in Delhi NCR?

    Care Well Medical Centre is Delhi’s best clinic for fat grafting surgery for several reasons. It offers a wide range of cosmetic treatments, impressive aftercare, and a reasonable price range. If you opt for Care Well Medical Centre, you can access in-depth consultation sessions to choose the best solution for yourself. The nursing staff here is well-trained and patient to provide you with the best care possible.

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    Care Well Medical Centre offers cosmetic surgery services with a focus on safety and natural-looking results. Trust our experienced team for your desired transformation.


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