Mary Newport, MD, confirmed that coconut oil can optimally slow down or halt the progression of Alzheimer’s and reverse its symptoms. Mary’s husband, Steve, suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for about 6 years before he started using coconut oil in his daily regime.

Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s: Separating Fact from Fiction

January 29, 2024 by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin0

Mary Newport, MD, confirmed that coconut oil can optimally slow down or halt the progression of Alzheimer’s and reverse its symptoms. Mary’s husband, Steve, suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for about 6 years before he started using coconut oil in his daily regime. The outcome was instantaneous and overwhelming. Steve had begun to make his way to the severe stages of Alzheimer’s before taking the coconut oil.

He continually needed governance to accomplish even the daily tasks, as he could no longer take care of himself.

He has lost all focus when attempting daily tasks and has never been able to accomplish them. He even fell short of using a computer keyboard to calculate or do basic arithmetic, having trouble recalling common words. The condition went on to get worse when he started to wear just one shoe or sock. An MRI exhibited great loss of brain mass, specifically in the parts that involved cognitive and memory abilities. Drugs such as Namenda, Exelon, and Aricept proved to be of no help.

After beginning the use of the coconut oil, his points on Alzheimer’s rating scales improved drastically, which seemed unbelievable to even the physicians, as Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that is known to only get worse over time. His score from then on just continued to improve, getting him down from a moderately severe to a mild stage of Alzheimer’s.

The deficits and depletions in his cognitive and memory capabilities started to recover, and he has managed to regain a normal, self-dependent life.

Other Alzheimer’s-suffering people who are using coconut oil in their diets are savoring similar improvements. This has now turned out to be a promising, organic, and safe treatment for Alzheimer’s disease: coconut ketones.

Is Coconut Oil a Cure for Alzheimer’s? Let’s Break it Down

If you’ve heard about coconut oil being a superhero in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, you’re not alone. But before you start stocking up on this tropical elixir, let’s dive into the facts and separate truth from fiction.

The Coconut Oil Hype

Some folks claim that coconut oil can work wonders for Alzheimer’s, but the research doesn’t quite back that up. While companies selling nutritional products may sing their praises, their claims don’t hold much water. And while stories from individuals might tug at your heartstrings, they’re not solid evidence. It’s best to be cautious about any claims regarding coconut oil or other supplements because, besides lacking proof of benefits, they could even pose risks.

What’s the Fuss About Coconut Oil?

To understand why coconut oil has been touted as an Alzheimer’s treatment, let’s talk about fats and energy. We all consume oils in our diets, whether it’s from vegetables, sunflowers, or olives. These oils are packed with energy, usually converted into glucose for our bodies to use. One component of coconut oil, called caprylic acid, can be broken down into ‘ketone bodies,’ which are alternative sources of energy for our cells. Our brains typically rely on glucose for energy, but they can also use ketone bodies.

The Science Behind Alzheimer’s

In Alzheimer’s disease, brain scans show that affected areas use less glucose. This is due to various factors, like specific genes, oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell loss. The idea behind coconut oil is that providing ketone bodies could give the brain the energy it needs to function properly. However, experts in neuroscience and Alzheimer’s are skeptical. Simply giving energy to dying cells won’t save them from the disease’s harmful effects.

Just a Theory

While it’s true that our brains switch to using ketone bodies when glucose is scarce, it’s unclear if this happens in Alzheimer’s. Plus, we don’t know if consuming coconut oil, which can be converted into ketone bodies, would help. Many researchers doubt it. Providing energy to Alzheimer’s-affected cells is unlikely to halt the disease’s progression.

The Evidence

Some trials have tested products containing caprylic acid, with some showing memory improvement in participants. However, these trials aren’t enough to prove effectiveness, and no other research groups have replicated these findings. Until large-scale trials confirm coconut oil’s benefits, there’s no scientific evidence to support its use in Alzheimer’s treatment.

But I Feel Better!

While some swear by coconut oil, personal anecdotes aren’t reliable evidence. What works for one person might not work for another, and it could even be unsafe. Plus, factors like the placebo effect and natural fluctuations in symptoms make it hard to assess if a treatment is truly effective.

The Risks

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, which can raise cholesterol levels. Health organizations advise against consuming large amounts for this reason.

Final Thoughts

While coconut oil might not be a miracle cure for Alzheimer’s, research into brain cell energy dysfunction is ongoing. Eating a healthy diet and staying active are still essential for overall well-being and could help lower the risk of developing dementia. So, while coconut oil might not be the magic bullet we hoped for, there’s still hope on the horizon in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

FAQs About Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s

  • Is coconut oil a proven treatment for Alzheimer’s?
  • Why do some people believe coconut oil helps with Alzheimer’s?
  • Are there any risks associated with using coconut oil for Alzheimer’s?
  • Have there been any clinical trials on coconut oil for Alzheimer’s?
  • Can personal anecdotes about coconut oil’s benefits be trusted?
  • Should I start using coconut oil if I or a loved one has Alzheimer’s?
  • Is there ongoing research into coconut oil and Alzheimer’s?
Is coconut oil a proven treatment for Alzheimer’s?

No, there’s currently no scientific evidence to support coconut oil as an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

Why do some people believe coconut oil helps with Alzheimer’s?

Some believe coconut oil could provide alternative energy sources for brain cells affected by Alzheimer’s, but research hasn’t confirmed this.

Are there any risks associated with using coconut oil for Alzheimer’s?

Yes, coconut oil is high in saturated fat, which can increase cholesterol levels and pose health risks.

Have there been any clinical trials on coconut oil for Alzheimer’s?

Some trials have tested products containing components of coconut oil, but results have been inconclusive and not widely replicated.

Can personal anecdotes about coconut oil’s benefits be trusted?

Personal stories of improvement after using coconut oil are not sufficient evidence of its effectiveness, as many factors can influence individual experiences.

Should I start using coconut oil if I or a loved one has Alzheimer’s?

It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, as they can provide personalized advice based on the latest scientific evidence.

Is there ongoing research into coconut oil and Alzheimer’s?

Research into the role of brain cell energy dysfunction in Alzheimer’s is ongoing, but as of now, coconut oil has not been proven to be a reliable treatment option.

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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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